chapter three : Christmas

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As Christmas break approaches, students start to relax more, awaiting going home over the holidays. I plan on going but I have some small gifts for all of my friends that I plan on giving them before we leave at the end of the week.

"I can't wait for Christmas break! Mum always has the house decorated for the holidays, and we always get a massive tree!" James exclaims as we all sit on our couch in the Gryffindor common room.

"Me and my mum always make trays of Christmas cookies. I'll make sure to bring you all back some, they're really good." Peter says and everyone cheers.

"Christmas at my place is usually quite calm, the house gets decorated and we always have the fireplace on, which is really nice to read in front of." Remus described his cosy Christmas and I can't help but smile as all of my friends get excited about christmas.

"Christmas is always hectic in my house but it's so fun! My entire family meets up and me and cousins get to see each other. We usually see each other twice a year so it's always nice,一" I pause for a moment, thinking about how much fun Christmas is going to be. "一 Sirius what about you?" I ask.

"I don't usually do much for Christmas, mother and father aren't the most Christmas-y 一" He sighs and leans back against the couch. "一 I'm planning on just staying here for Christmas," I can't help but feel a pang of sadness for his situation. Sirius doesn't exactly like to talk about his family but from what he had said, he seems neglected and possibly even abused.

Once he mentioned that his family are one of those rich pure blood families, I understood why he used to give Lily those looks. She's a muggleborn and he was probably raised as a blood supremacist. Although it's clear he doesn't believe in his family's values, it can be difficult to just erase ten years of those values being embedded in his brain.

"That's a shame, I'll make sure to send you a Christmas card though!" James tries to cheer up Sirius who seems to be acting unaffected by his depressing Holidays plans.

"Might I also add I have gifts for you all," I add in.

"Ooo! Can we have them?" James' head turns quickly in my direction at the mention of presents.

"No, I'll give them to you on the day we leave, and you have to promise to wait until Christmas to open them," I cross my arms and hold back laughter at James' disappointed face.

"How exactly did you get us anything if you haven't left the castle?" Remus questions.

"I have my ways," I stick my tongue out and Remus rolls his eyes.

"She got them owled her, I saw her at the owlery yesterday," Peter holds back a grin. I gasp dramatically.

"How dare you reveal my secrets Peter Pettigrew! You have betrayed me!" I fall back dramatically onto the couch with the back of my hand on my forehead and the other over my heart. My unintended foreshadowing of the future makes me hate looking back on the memory.

"So dramatic," Remus grins.

The rest of the week goes by so slowly. Astronomy with Sirius is my favourite class. It's something I find intriguing and I get to spend time with Sirius. The two of us get along quite well. When the day comes to start packing our things to go home, I can't help but feel a wave of excitement as I prepare to go home.

I secretly hope one year I can bring some of my friends home for Christmas. Mum would love to meet my friends. I have never been the most social, mainly interacting with just my sisters, so the fact that I've made friends like this makes me happy. I couldn't have asked for a better group of comfort people.

I get all my things packed and head down to the common room until it's time to leave. I come down with a bag filled with presents for my friends. I sit down across from all of them, and James' face lights up when he sees the bag.

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