chapter five : 1972

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The week really did pass by quite quickly. Christmas had come and gone and still had yet to open Sirius' letter. Last night had been the last night of 1971. I haven't been able to open the letter yet, since my schedule has been jam packed from one thing to the next. I shoot up from my bed, scrambling over to my desk where I pull out a familiar letter. I carefully break the seal, careful not to ruin the wax stamp sealing the letter. I remove the letters contents before unfolding it.

    Dearest Y/n,

    I have been at sea for three moons now, with no end in sight of my journey. It has been a pain to go without you for this long, without my most honoured companion.

That's how 'Dearest Sirius' sounds. I could keep going with my at sea character. I sat at my desk for about half an hour trying to think up that. Anyways, it's been quite uneventful here. They have everyone sitting together at one table, considering how many people stayed for the break, which is basically none.

I get that you're probably busy soI won't make this too long, but I miss you as well. It's been really boring without everyone. Have fun at James' by the way, and yes please, don't have too much fun without me.

Sirius Black

I smile at his letter. He has remarkably nice penmanship compared to mine. I guess that's just a side effect of growing up and a fancy household like Sirius'. He was probably held to much higher standards.

I audibly laugh at the letter before I place it neatly in a drawer before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Will you be ready for 12?" Mum asks as I pour myself a bowl of cereal with milk. I look at the clock and see its eleven. I almost choke on my cereal. I quickly eat the rest of my breakfast before quickly rushing back up the stairs, leaving my mom who is carrying Bev.

"Well that answers my question,"

I rush into my room and open my wardrobe. I pull out a big comfy knitted grey and black striped sweater and put on a pair of black leggings. I throw on a light brown skirt over the leggings and a matching colour pair of leg warmers. I brush my hair and teeth and pull out my bag to stuff clothes and other things in. Mum got me a polaroid camera and scrapbook for Christmas so I pack my camera to take some pictures for the book.

Mum thought it was a good idea to keep a book of some of my memories at Hogwarts. Considering I now have very interesting friends. I pack some pyjamas and a change of clothes as well as my shark blanket and a much smaller shark stuffed animal. I look at the clock in my room to see I have twenty minutes. I rush down the stairs with my bag and throw on my hat, scarf and puffy winter jacket. I put on my boots and do up the laces.

"Ready!" I exclaim. Dad finishes up his tea before putting on his jacket and boots. Mum comes over and gives me a big hug.

"You have fun now, make sure to be respectful and thankful," Mum lectures for the hundredth time.

"Yes mum I know," I smile awkwardly, a bit smothered. She smiles warmly at me before quickly grabbing a container and handing it to me.

"This is to share with you and your friends," I take a peek and see some of moms homemade cookies. A large smile grows on my face.

"Thank you mom," I wrap my arms around her neck before putting the container in the bag with all my stuff.

"I love you sweety," She says as I start heading out the door.

"Love you too mum!"

"Don't get into too much trouble!"

"No promises," I joke as I load my stuff into the trunk of dads car. I then hop in the passengers seat, sitting next to dad.

THE MOON WILL SING ~ Marauders Sirius Black x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now