chapter thirteen : especially for you

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"That was months ago, will you ever let it go!?" I pout.

"Oh come on, I truly don't believe you just fell asleep afterwards." Marlene sits on my bed while I pack.

"Well that's what happened, we were both tired so we just went upstairs and fell asleep," Marlene has been on me about what happened that new year. Obviously nothing happened happened, but something happened. I just don't want to tell her. Why? It's none of her bloody business, and quite frankly it's none of yours either... perverts.

"You know what, if she says nothing happened then nothing happened," Lily comes over and defends me.

"Fine, I'll let it go, but know I'll never believe you," Marlene crosses her arms.

"Why exactly aren't you packing?" I change the subject.

"I packed last night," The blonde sighs.

"Are you excited to tell your mum about Quidditch?" Mary asks me. I refrained from telling mum that I joined the Quidditch team, mostly because I wanted to tell her in person. It just seemed like something I would want to see her reaction to.

"Of course I am, and to brag that Gryffindor took home the Quidditch house cup this year," I cheer, remembering our last win against Slytherin not two months prior.

"Well I must throw it out there, We have to hang out all four of us this summer. Spend the day at Diagon Alley or something," Mary suggests and the other three of us agree. I finish packing my things and begin hauling my stuff into the common room. The only one out of friends in the common space is Remus, who looks lost in a book.

"Hey Remus," I sit next to him on the couch and lean back.

"Hey Y/n, excited for summer?"

"You know it, There's this really cool book store that opened near my house that we should totally go to together!" I beam, remembering a letter mum sent me a while back.

"Oh definitely, depending where you are though, might be harder to get to," He comments.

"Right, well, I live just outside of Conwy, sometimes I forget how far away I live," I sigh.

"Conwy, like in Wales?" She asks, intrigued.

"Born and raised,"

"Conwy is not far from me!"

"Really!? Wait have we never spoken about where we live?" I question.

"I guess not, well I live in Anglesey!" He cheers, happy that the two of us are much closer than we thought.

"Were we really travelling hours just to hang out at James'? I question once again. Remus shrugs and we just talk about books and Wales until our friends come down.

"Are we ready to head home?" James says excitedly.

"Mhm, I can't wait to tell mum all about Quidditch," I beam. The five of us make our way down to the great for one more breakfast at Hogwarts before our summers off. Marlene has been hanging out with the guys a bit more, she never does if I'm not there but at least she feels comfortable to sit with me when I'm with them.

We head to the station with all of our things before boarding the train, sitting in the compartment we have sat in everytime. The five of us talk and chat for a while before clearly an idea pops into James' head. Me and Remus catch on give each other nervous glances before James pulls out a small switchblade. The compartment erupted in shouts and everyone moves away from James, to the other side of the compartment.

"Aye!" I shout.

"Look I'm sorry for saying denim jackets are dumb but this is too far!" Sirius screechs.

"Calm down, I have a fun idea!" James still has the same grin on his face.

"James I don't think blood oaths are the funnest activity," Remus jokes with a concerned look on his face.

"No, I just think it would be fun to leave a small souvenir in our favourite compartment," He shrugs before turning towards the wall next to the window, using the knife to carve something into the paint.

"What if someone sees?!" Peter expresses.

"As long as you don't make yours too large I don't think it will be a problem," James presses his tongue onto his bottom lip focusing. James finishes before handing it to Sirius who jumps over into the spot James was. Peter goes next and then Remus finally gives in. Remus holds the blade and I grab the handle.

"Your turn," He sighs with a smile on his face. I go to the spot that he had just been to see names carved into the wall. This is definitely more than just paint scratches, these cuts go deep into the wall. I run my fingers along the words, admiring everyone's handwriting. Sirius' is by far the best, last would have to be Remus'. James' is hard to judge considering he sloppily carved in all caps, and Peter carved his the largest, ironically.

I bring the blade up to the wall and intricately carve each letter of my name, right after Remus'. I move away from the wall and take a look at our work, satisfied with the result. Sirius leans his chin on my shoulder to see. I can't see his face but I can tell he's smiling from his place beside me.

"Now we have a permanent claim on this compartment," James says proudly as I hand him back the knife and settle back onto my seat. He puts the knife away and the five of us go back to our usual discussions until the train stops at the all so familiar Platform 9 ¾. We all rush off of the train and say goodbye to each other. I see my mum and am about to run to her when I stop in my tracks. Mum looks at me concerningly as I run straight back and wrap my arms around Sirius. The other three had already gone to their parents so it is just me and Sirius.

"I'll miss you," I say as I let go of the hug, his cheeks a light pink. I grab his hand and face forward, standing next to him, watching his eyes trail to the man that is with his brother Regulus. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze and he looks down at our connected hands then up to me.

"You'll be back here in a few months, it's not forever with them," I say softly as I stare forward. He opens his mouth to say something before my hand slips out of his and I'm gone. He watches me go and hug my mum. I look back at him and offer him a smile and a wave before disappearing through the platform. Little did I know just how that small action would affect our lives years later.


"Tonight was fun," I flop down exhausted onto my side of the fort Sirius built for us.

"You have no idea," his smile did not leave the boy's face. We danced and sang for probably an hour after the clock struck midnight. We sit in a comfortable silence before I shift onto my side to face Sirius, who seems to mimic my movements.

"I'm really glad I choose to stay over the break,"

"Why did you stay?"

"To keep you company of course," I gently punch his arm. There is another comfortable silence over us before the smile from his face fades.

"Can I talk to you about something serious?"

"Ofcourse, you can tell me anything,"

"I'm afraid to go home,一" He avoids eye contact and hugs his pillow. "一my mother isn't the most pleasant to be around and dad is barely ever home... That's why I want to stay here during Christmas," He doesn't have to say much for me to fill in some of the blanks. I lay in a bit of shock, I had never seen him like this before, so sad and emotional. The only other time he showed any other emotion was on the train on the way here with his brother Regulus. If he gets this worked up about his family then it must not be the best situation, if you know what I mean...

"Think of it this way, during summer break, you only have to deal with your family for a few months, and even then, you will definitely see us multiple times through the summer anyways," I do my best to cheer him up.

"You promise to write to me all the time?" He wipes away a few tears I didn't even realise he had shed.

"Wouldn't dream of otherwise,"

"You better or I'll send you a letter everyday until you respond," We both laugh lightly.

"I'll send you as many letters as I can send,"

"Just for me?"

"Especially for you,"

THE MOON WILL SING ~ Marauders Sirius Black x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now