Flying Forward

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   "I guess I'm riding with you, Neteyam." He turned towards you as his face contorted slightly before looking befuddled. "What? Did your dad not tell you?" He quickly shook his head as a smile broke his face. "No, I just didn't think you knew my name." You fought the tint of purple quickly creeping up your face. He had noticed you didn't know his name. "Really, why's that?" You walked closer to him as he tightened his Ikran harness. "You've just never said my name before." You gave a small nod acknowledging his observation. "Then I shall make it a point to say your name more often Neteyam." He gave you a grin before mounting his Ikran. "Ready (Y/N)?" He lent his hand to you as his Ikran lowered itself. You took his arm instantly beaming. He pulled you up swiftly leaving you no room to verbally answer him. He pulled you in front of him and set off. Mr. Sully, Mrs, Sully and Tuk, and Kiri were already in the sky. Lo'ak was right behind you and Neteyam and you all started to set off.

The breeze felt as if it could whisk you away, the scent of the salty ocean filled your large lungs, the ocean being so close you could taste it, the wind whispering in your ears ticked your senses, and the warmth behind you gave you comfort feeling a sense of security behind you. You liked riding in front it gave you less of a chance to fall and you liked how Neteyam flew, it was similar to his father's and yet it seemed more careful. Whether it was feeling more secure because you were in front of him or because he flew with more grace you didn't know. The breathing of Neteyam's Ikran seemed to hitch quickly before giving out a long breath. You peeled your eyes off the ocean and the Ikran to look at the Sullys. You noticed Mrs. Sully and Tuk first, they were both looking back. Not at you but past you, turning you saw Neteyam was already doing the same. You couldn't read his face with his riding visor on but you could guess he was thinking about his home.

You knew leaving would be hard on the family it only made sense they would look back and burn the sight of leaving home in their minds. You wished you could make leaving less tough on them but you didn't know what to say. Instead of trying to snap any of them out of their state you just silently slid your hand to Neteyam's as he had a hold of your arm. When he turned back around after a few seconds you gave his hand a light squeeze. No words were exchanged as you flew further away from the shore.


With the flash of light from behind you, you were shivering constantly. A storm had found your group and was restless. The rain was cold to your body sucking out any warmth that you had or had felt from Neteyam earlier. He had a hard grip on the rein of his Ikran's harness while his other arm was wrapped around you. With your constant shivering and the sharp turns to avoid the rocks, you were glad he had a firm grip on you as well. You were sure he had multiple crescent marks on his arms from you. You liked flying but you hated the idea of falling and any time you felt yourself slip too far away you had a death grip on Neteyam. Now wasn't any different except it was constant your hands didn't leave his arm for a second. You were watching as Mr. Sully took another sharp turn by more rocks and got sprayed with more water. He was flying the lowest out of all the Sullys you assumed it was due to him having a heavy load. When it was your turn for the sharp turn you heard the loud ring of thunder behind you. It sent a different shiver down your body, it sounded so close. "Just hang in there." It was the first time he had spoken since the beginning of the storm. Or maybe it had just been the first time you had heard him.


Flying low and so close to the ocean you could almost touch it. You were admiring the ocean silently as a certain someone's Ikran flew over casting a shadow over you. Looking to your right there was Lo'ak smirking. You gave out a light chuckle before he started making faces at you. You gave in and started making faces at him as well. You would have continued playing around with Lo'ak more if Neteyam hadn't cleared his throat bringing your attention forward. You saw Mr. Sully give you and Lo'ak a look to behave. Your ears bent downward and needless to say, you didn't make faces at Lo'ak for the rest of the trip.


During the long journey, you looked to Neteyam to keep you company he often told you about his people and culture. But your favorite stories to hear were about his family. It seemed as if he could go on forever about his parents and their accomplishments. During the nights you were awake he pointed out Earth's star to you as he talked about his father. You liked looking at the star it reminded you of how home felt and how you were starting to feel at home with the Sullys. Especially when Neteyam told you about his siblings and their adventures. You noticed a pattern of Lo'ak dragging Neteyam into his trouble but when those stories were being told Lo'ak tried interrupting or intervening. The first few times he would only try and speak over Neteyam but when all he was met with was laughter and giggles as Neteyam continued he started messing around with his brother's Ikran. This caused a few issues and angry glances between the brothers as the lack of rest was starting to catch up to them. After Mr. Sully had noticed them butting heads he placed Kiri in the middle as a peace holder.


With the sun setting again you weren't the only one who was tired. Looking ahead you could see Tuk's head waver near her mother's shoulder. This pattern continued making you feel the weight of your eyelids, not wanting to fall asleep you looked over at Lo'ak and Kiri. They seemed tired as well, they kept their focus in front of them not gracing you with any looks as they had been earlier. You tried everything to stay awake but in a last attempt, you brought both your hands up to your face giving yourself a light slap on either side. It worked for a short while except your body was moving sluggishly and slowly. "Are we there yet?" Tuk must have awoken again, you gave a large yawn before your eyes were covered. You felt a hand over your eyes leaning your head back mirroring Tuk and her mother earlier. You were reluctant at first but Neteyam spoke quietly. "Sleep you're tired." You laid your whole body back giving into your restless state and quickly drifted off.


When you all saw the shore there was an audible and collective exhale. You had been happy to grow close to Neteyam and learn about his family but your body needed proper rest. As the shore crept closer you sat up straighter and became more lively, this did not go unnoticed. "Ready to be rid of me that quickly?" You turned your body towards him as he gave you his signature smile. "Please, escaping you is impossible." He gave a light chuckle, and in turn, Lo'ak spun his head giving his brother another scowl. He probably thought Neteyam was sharing more embarrassing stories about him. You just ignored him as the shore kept creeping closer. "Are you ready?" Seeing the shore and some of the people now below you as you flew evermore closer you started to feel somewhat nervous. Asking Neteyam a question was the only way to distract your mind. "Yeah, I'm ready." His demeanor came off strong as you all flew over the large trees and beachside. "How about you?" You started to take a wide turn near the trees as Mr. Sully spotted a place to land. "I think so." You watched below as the people dived into the water, and you knew their way of life would be different from yours and deep inside you were scared. You told Mr. Sully you would adapt fast and pull your weight but you were nervous. You didn't know what layed ahead and it killed you not to know. "It's okay to be nervous." Looking at him as you both started to land you couldn't read his face, you appreciated the kind words though. When his Ikran hit the ground he descended first holding out his hand and offering to help you off. You took his hand the same way you had at the beginning of the long trip and just as swiftly as he had taken you onto his Ikran he took you off. When you felt the warm sand underneath your toes you left the ocean sent to fill your lungs again as you let go of Neteyam's hand.

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