Comatosed Congeniality

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      The rest of the night was spent with Tuk. Whether it was dancing with her or doing your best to make sure she wasn't getting ahold of any more sweets. She had gotten about five more on your watch. Her energy was endless, and it kept getting later. You were getting exhausted, and Tuk could tell. You had been continuously yawning and your steps had gotten sleazy. But, you were doing your best watching Tuk as the night was closing. People were starting to venture home and you were slowly trying to make the idea of home appealing to Tuk. "You know Tuk I'm not seeing your siblings here, maybe it's time we go home." She whipped her head back to you, the fire was dwindling. "What? But the party isn't over yet!" It struggled to grab her face and light it, her freckles seemed to give more light. "I know but I don't see your parents either." You and Mr. Sully had seen and acknowledged each other, letting him know you had Tuk. "Come on Tuk. Let's go home." You pulled her arm lightly and practically begged her. She looked at you pouting, her eyes looking at you and your drowsy body before softening and sighing. "Okay," Tuk looked disappointed but you weren't going to let her change her mind.

You smiled, pulling yourself off of the rock you were sitting lazily on. "Thanks, Tuk." You took her hand to take the walk home as she looked up at you, her eyes not drooping in the slightest. You knew getting her home was only half the battle, getting her to bed would be a much longer endeavor. "Are you two leaving?" Tsireya had been keeping all the drunk adults in check as the night had progressed. "Yeah, it's getting late." And since Ao'nung left her alone she was the only one helping for a while. Before Lo'ak Neteyam, and Kiri had been helping but they must've gone home. "I had a lot of fun though!" Tuk piped up, she was still very much ecstatic. "That's good," Tsireya placed her hand on Tuk's head, you could've sworn Tuk had grown an inch since you met her. "Maybe I'll see you both tomorrow at the second celebration." There was a second night of celebration? If you would have known that you would've brought Tuk home much earlier. "Really!?"

Tuk's head flew to you, looking at you with eagerness. You weren't the one to make the call if Tuk would be allowed so instead you just gave a smile and engaged with Tsireya again. "Will tomorrow's celebration be as big as this one?" You were so tired and you were hoping she'd say no. "Not really, they'll still be a bonfire but the celebration will happen at dinner." You breathed a sigh of relief, good. "Can we go?" You didn't see any problems with it but you still needed to ask her parents. "If your Mom and Dad say yes, you can go." Tuk bounced in her spot and suddenly became eager to go home. "Then let's go ask them!" You felt her pull and you gave no resistance to her, smiling at Tsireya before she really started to pull. "We'll see you tomorrow Tsireya." She waved goodbye trying to hold in giggles as Tuk drags you away.

When Tuk had successfully hauled you home you knew once you shut your eyes you would be out. You resisted blinking, thinking if you did you'd fall asleep on the spot. "(Y/N)!" You had been slow while Tuk was still full of energy. "I know, but Tuk you have to be quiet, they might be asleep." You didn't know if your neighbors were asleep or the Sullys but as you crept closer it was evident they were still up waiting for you both. "See, I told you they'd be awake, we can ask them now." You sighed again, you just wanted to sleep.

When you opened the entrance and both walked in, Neytiri was the first to greet you both. "Tuk, (Y/N)." Neytiri came up to Tuk first brushing a stray braid behind her ear. "Did you both have fun?" She smiled at you both as she rested a hand on both of you drawing you close. "Yeah! And there's another one tomorrow!" When you landed closer to Neytiri you could smell the comfort of the forest. "Can we go?" After being with the Sullys for so long and preparing dinner with Tuk and Neytiri often, you found Tuk was her weakness. "How many sweets have you had tonight Tuk?" Tuk quickly tried looking for an out with you, pleading with her eyes not to tell her mom just how many. "Uhm, not much." Neytiri peeked at where her daughter's gaze had been set. "(Y/N), how much is not much?" You were way too tired to give your answer much thought. "Certainly more than five."

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