Let Go And Hold Tight

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         Seeing the Marui inching closer you wiped the tears from your eyes, your head much more level after letting yourself cry. You let yourself breathe in clearly as you stepped onto the walkway. The cold breeze cooled your hot face and dried your face off the streaks left by tears. You felt serene, calm, and collected as you moved the fabric door out of your way to enter the Marui. You spotted Neteyam kneeling by Tuk's hammock caressing her face. You quickly turned your head and quietly walked over to your hammock. You struggled to sleep in a hammock but as soon as you climbed in with your eyes closed, you flopped in and just drifted off, or tried.

"Why'd you take the fall for me?" Your left ear twitched as his voice was close, you were turned away. "I don't want to talk about it right now Neteyam." You hadn't moved, you were tired. "You know if you didn't want my dad scolding you, you shouldn't have taken the blame." Your eyes shot open figuring he wasn't going to let this go. "Ya well, I was real sick of you taking the blame for things you shouldn't." His brow marking furrowed as he opened his mouth only for you to cut him off. "You aren't their parent, you're their brother, act like it." You turned your body back around and closed your eyes again, you were harsh you knew that but you were so tired and it was getting to you. You didn't hear anything else from him either, not until you were yet again on the verge of drifting off. That was when he moved, you didn't care to know where at the moment but he finally moved away from you, and when he did you drifted off.


"Dad! Dad-" You were being pulled away from him violently by two security guards. You had your hand reached out to him trying to just get him to notice you. "Daddy Please! Listen to me!" He held something in his hand firmly, he wouldn't even look at you. "Please! You can't do this." You sobbed as they kept dragging you away, he was getting further and further from you. "I'm still your little girl, Dad!" You had to do something, anything. All he did however was just stare at what was in his hand. "Dad!" It was your necklace, it had been given to you by your mother. It was the last time you saw her. "Please, please, dad! I need you! Please!" You kept pleading with him, he was starting to grow so much smaller down the longest hallway you had ever been down. "Daddy!" You just couldn't stop crying for him, he was almost fully covered by your hand as you still tried reaching out toward him. "Daddy!" Your lungs started to ache and your nose was dripping. You didn't want this, you didn't want to die. "Please.... Please..." Your crying was falling on deaf ears and you knew it, your body felt weak as the guards had been carrying you over their shoulder. "Please, don't do this." At this point you had your arms wrapped around yourself as you could no longer see him anymore, you were all alone. "Dad, please, you're all I have left." You just cried as you remembered that last conversation with him.

"Dad, I've thought about it and I don't want to be the cover girl." He was at his desk, you used to work for him and came often but after knowing something about Amrita you quit. "Hmm, really?" He looked up with a displeased face. "What happened Cover Girl?" You looked at the wall behind him finding it hard to find your words. "I think you know why." You heard a harsh sigh come from him as he stood up from his chair. Looking at his face there was only disappointment and anger. You could always tell when he was angry, his nose twitched, it was your giveaway too. "You are the most selfish, undeserving, ungrateful child I have ever met." Your eyes widened as your knees locked in place. Your heart just stopped. It just stopped at his words. "Do you know that? Any other child would have leapt over billions of people for this opportunity, maybe even murder to get it." You just did nothing, how could you move, you could barely even look away. "No, no, you are not my daughter."

"What?" You had been staring anywhere but his face, when you caught a glance you wished you hadn't. "You're not her," He got close, you close for your comfort, you inhaled harshly as he grabbed towards your neck. You flinched back until you felt pressure and then a snap on your neck. "This is hers, it doesn't belong to you." You reached your hand out for the necklace. "No, dad, please you know what that means to me!" He whipped his head to you as he grabbed your arm with a strong force. "I know what this means to my daughter! The one who wanted everything to do with me, the one who was there for me, the one who I love and will do anything to protect and get back." You could feel tears forming as he had your wrist encased tightly and was only getting tighter. "Dad-" "Get her out of here, I never want to see this fucking bitch again." He let go of your arm by pushing you to the ground, you tried getting up again before the guards could get ahold of you. "Wait, no, dad, look at me. I'm still your daughter." You grabbed him by his shoulders trying to get him to look at you, you had already lost your mother, you couldn't lose him too. "My daughter is dead."

But What If || Neteyam x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang