Chapter 2.5.5 - Hi, am Jan!

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I was Reincarnated as an ANT!

Chapter 2.5.5: Hi, am Jan!

On set with many eyes watching the result, murmurs, and whispers would start around the table as the two of us did seem shocked at the result, meanwhile the little bugger didn't care for the world at large. He was simple, kept his focus on the snacks, and didn't pay much to anything else. "Impossible, HOW!"

"Heh, you thought you could tame my little fella, huh? Guess again, his only loyal to me. We have been through quite a bit, and I saved his life, you're nothing to him." I would proudly say as i gestured nobly at the peasant that attempted to take the one thing I had got in life. Moreover, I was now no longer looking at my little buddy the same, it wasn't like I was growing on it, i simply didn't know. I had learned my lesson but, I still refused to bend to change my ways just yet. I was still a noble.

Suddenly after the fuse was done about, the clerk would finally appear to us, she seemed she had no intention of getting back. So i fully lost interest in her as much of respect in regards to her professionalism. Shooing the teen away as she would guide me upon where I needed begin my process, she would rather start me off rather misleading, "I apologize for that, follow me. You're rather interesting, I looked you up and found we were in amidst of a noble. More than that, one that had lost his status in a process, we had bare records that you line had ended?.."

I refused to answer her as she lead me towards our next point. Not explaining why I was going where I was, she would smile, as my little fella was clearly bored or rather aloof in its own mind. Holding it in my arms as I would now reach the location she intended me to be, I'd look up to her annoyed, hinting I need an explanation. Refusing to answer me, she would rather simply say, "You have no wealth so you cannot pay the fees, for now take our hosting here at the adventurous guild."

Looking at my little buddy, as it appeared asleep it seemed, the lens on its eyes closed yet transparent, if one hadn't been with it, one would assume it was awake. Having spent time with it in the cave I had learned its small mannerisms and behavior. I knew it was asleep yet she didn't seem to know. "This is where we keep pets and familiars that are able to be housed under our roof, don't worry, if anything happens it. The guild will take fully responsibility and you'll be compensated dearly. Furthermore, depending on the situation, I could even be relived of duty and even the guild master. So we pride ourselves in assuring no harm with come to your little friend. What's its name?"

"Name...I don't have one as of yet." I would reply after some deep thought, she would smile allowing me inside. Moving in, my little buddy would appear awake in excitement or was it fear? Moving to the location of the den they had given my buddy, I would then place him in, without an issue. She appeared too nice to me that I figured she was up to something against me. I however, didn't care to think too much on it, so I focused on my little buddy. "I'll be back, don't worry am not leaving you. I'll see you everyday just to make sure, and I'll come by hourly if need be. I'll make sure you're fed, so don't worry. Be good."

Gasping as she was surprised my little buddy behaved well. I would nod to her to show me where i needed to go, as we walked she seemed to glance back at my little buddy, further meaning i was right. But I knew if anything happed to it, i'd use anything and everything to make sure she would regret ever doing so. Looking at her, I figured she was an adventurer back in a day. "So, you are an Adven? What Tier?" I'd ask her or rather command it.

"O-oh, yes. I was, but I recently got married so I've decided to settle down. We beast-folk aren't much for seeking dangers unless you're from a certain clan but I digress. Yes. I am from the cat-kin clan, on lower echelon of blood ties. Why?" she would inquire but I would just look at her and shrug as I didn't really have any motives for asking, but just small-talk in form.

I was Reincarnated as an Ant! Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now