Chapter 4.1.1: Nih's Tale

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The next few days involved training with Dyaldic and the red ant, a more effective companion than Aed in terms of coordination. Aed's unpredictable nature was missed, as this generic copy systematically applied assistance or action. While it was better in certain aspects, adapting from Aed's chaotic style proved challenging.

Surprisingly, Dyaldic praised Aed's newfound coordination. Aed, in response, bowed before flying back to the mansion to rest. Alone with Dyaldic, he inquired about Aed's change. I deflected the question, suggesting he ask Jan when he arrived. Exiting, I encountered my father at the doorstep, eager to discuss Aed, but I gestured for him to find another time.

Dinner with Aed proved undeniably peculiar; his eating habits were feral, devoid of any discernible pride. Dyaldic found himself in astounding shock, aware of Aed's distinctiveness, yet I feigned ignorance. This only fueled their suspicion that something significant had occurred. "Nih, reveal what befell Aed!"

"Ask Jan upon his arrival; if he lacks knowledge, I'll attempt an explanation." I'd convey, concluding my meal. His glare at my reluctance intensified his curiosity. The subsequent day unfolded routinely until a notice, presented through a unique skill, hinted at Jan's return alongside the irksome Yeshia.

That evening, the duo arrived, sharing laughter and synchronized expressions, signaling an eventful occurrence. "Jan, welcome back. Now, regarding Aed."

"Fret not; that troublesome bug is currently undergoing evolution. I'll likely encounter him in a few months," he grinned at Yeshia, seemingly a couple. "When Aed awakens, he won't be pleased."

Yeshia, dismissive after Jan's revelation, remarked, "After all this time, that's your response? Jan informed me Aed helped him identify the issue. Brooding alone suits you." Her smile hinted at an assumed interest in Jan. Eager to provoke her, I bided my time, awaiting the opportune moment.

"Nih, refrain from addressing her like that; she's our friend and teammate," Jan unexpectedly defended her, unwittingly falling into her influence. A covert exchange of glances occurred between Jan and Yeshia, revealing her triumph and cunning behind his back.

"Well, for now, let it be. Just remember, I warned you. The chance was yours," I declared, walking away. My father embarked on a royal mission, leaving us with orders to confront the Demonlord, aiming to liberate nations and alter the ruling paradigm. Jan, swayed by the Demonlord's fairness, he sought slight changes in the system, while I remained indifferent.

The reunited team comprised our fearless tanker, Dyaldic, myself as the versatile rear vanguard, Jan as our offensive line and prominent receiver, and Yeshia in the supplemental backfield. Our coordination practice involved integrating Aed, now comfortable running opposing analyses of the battle plan.

Yeshia, astutely perceptive, questioned Aed's nature, saying, "You... what are you? You feel like Aed, but you're a skill. My spiritual essence skill reveals you're not influencing us or the environment; instead, Aed's magicules give substance to your physical existence. Am I mistaken?"

I was astonished; the once frail Yeshia displayed a depth of thought and an ability suggesting an Ultimate Skill. My own Ultimate Skill granted intentional understanding, allowing me to grasp the situation.

"Yeshia, you possess an... never mind, Jan. Did you know?" I queried, confident Dyaldic was unaware. "Aed's evolving will extend beyond your predictions. This version exists because he cared enough to let it act independently. He won't recall this, so let's ensure a joyful reunion." Jan, visibly moved, nodded in agreement before asking, "Where's the real Aed?"

I pointed to the fake Aed, who nodded and flew to the designated location with Jan. As they left, Yeshia smiled at me, and her comment sparked a confrontation.

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