Chapter 4.5: Divinity of the OverSighters

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As I departed with Nih to tackle the matter at hand, my attention was drawn to two akin individuals in the distant royal courtyard. The labyrinthine garden held a captivating charm, adorned with ponds, market squares, and myriad blooming flora, set against verdant grass resembling cotton sponges. Its allure was mythical, and though I yearned to explore it someday, my immediate focus was on scrutinizing the figures before me.

Recognizing them instantly, I identified two familiar twins and two of Jan's children among them. Despite my hesitation, Nih remained unperturbed by the sight. Nevertheless, I found it unsettling! Maids or caretakers of the young princes observed from a distance, while the demon lingered further away. The absence of adult supervision concerned me greatly, especially considering the private discussions between the nobles and the children.

Signaling Nih to hold back, I gracefully descended among them, as silent as a fairy, masking my presence subtly. With my Ultimate Skill, the Enchantmental Vessel, I excelled; it enabled me to utilize my mana to evoke a sensation akin to any skill cast by magical spells, transforming thoughts into reality immersion, albeit solely upon myself.

While observing the scene, both the demon and Nih narrowed their gaze, detecting my disappearance. It appeared that my Ultimate Skill surpassed Nih's, prompting me to inquire about it later. Meanwhile, unnoticed by the four individuals, I endeavored to eavesdrop on their conversation. However, a form of an item skill in magical intervention thwarted my attempts to hear them. Employing my Ultimate Skill once more, I rendered myself immune to its effects, enabling me to capture the audio voices of their discussions.

Listening in on their conversation, I discerned that they were deliberating on their families and the obligations associated with nobility. They discussed the necessity of upholding a façade and concealing their genuine emotions from public scrutiny. Furthermore, they expressed disdain toward the two young boys and appeared to be scheming to sow seeds of betrayal among themselves. This revelation stirred within me a sense of alarm and a pressing need to intervene and safeguard the young princes.

Their advice lacked the camaraderie touch, carefully posted as though the children were informants for adults, maintaining a neutral, natural, noble discourse. Yet, they subtly implanted seeds of doubt, inducing Jan's unease, albeit he hadn't grasped the entirety, given my recent diminishment of the inner bond, which shielded him from comprehending the depths of my consciousness.

He would only catch a fleeting hint of what I perceived and the directions it inclined towards; presently, he sensed my awareness of discomfort among his children during an interaction with another individual, a discourse involving his children. His reaction was to urge me to intervene, understanding implicitly from our connection that such action was anticipated without needing further indication. These children were my nephews! Naturally, I would shield them from nonsense and insult, as any affront to them was an affront to me!

Mitch Cass and Mary Cass retained their noble status but were no longer prince or princess to the crown, a consequence of the past, so I comprehended their perspective of seeking justice against Jan. Yet, they overlooked the fact that I represented the other side of the coin, the counterpart to Jan! While he embodied kindness, I harbored tendencies that contrasted with his holistic approach. Life's harshness had shaped him in my absence, subjected to the abuse of extreme expectations and emotional turmoil, molding him into the person he had become. Jan was fortunate to still cling to his innocence, albeit somewhat diminished from before.

The twins remained oblivious to such complexities; Mitch and Mary had become tainted, forsaken individuals abandoned by grace. Unaware of the full extent of the repercussions of corruption known to their parents, they now acted vindictively towards Jan. Cunningly, they sowed seeds of manipulation into his children, intending to reap them in the future, albeit with considerable difficulty. Nevertheless, amidst their discussions on which skills to pursue and how to acquire them, their plans unfolded.

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