Chapter 1

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A/N: Mirko/Rumi is 27 but I'm making her 20 (in the anime episode 4 when the UA school year stars) so that on one can hassle me about it latter.


Y/N pov

After my kiss with Mirko I ran to find Deku and tell him what happened, when I got up to him All Might was talking to him about becoming a hero and passing One for All on to Deku. He then said that he would mold Deku's body to use One for All.

Y/N: "Should I not have heard all of that?" The both of them slowly look at me. "I heard all of what you said and I won't tell anyone."

AM: "You have my thanks young Shooter." He ave my a big smile and a thumbs up. "Would you like to join the training?" I shook my head.

Y/N: "No thanks. The Rabbit Hero: Mirko offered to train me." Deku ran up to and asked questions way to damn fast for me to keep up with. "SHUT UP DEKU!" He clapped his hands on his mouth. "She said and I quote 'I'll take you out for dinner or train', and not ganna lei I want both." A small smile creped it's way onto my face.

AM: happy tone "I say go for it. It's not every day a pro offers to train you." I nodded with a closed eye smile. "She is one of the top 10 heros, so you'll have to be fast on your feet."

Y/N: "I will, see you in class Deku." I ran home to get some sleep.

Time skip

I am so fucking nerves to see Mirko again even if I am just standing outside her front door of her home. I gulped as I knocked on the door and it flow open to reveal Mirko in a grope top and jeans.

Mirko: happy tone "Hello there Shooting Star." I felt my face heat up with that little nickname.

Y/N: "Hello Mirko, can you pleas call me by my name?"

Mirko: "Nope, and there is no need to use my hero name." She moved to the side letting me in. "I hope your hungry I just made lunch."

As I stepped into her home I wasn't in aw at all, it was just like a normal home that was just rabbet themed. I followed her to the kitchen where we had sandwiches and oranges with a glass of milk. 

Y/N: shy tone "Rumi, I was wandering if you could train me till the UA enters exam." She was quite for a bit. "Y-you don't have to do."

Rumi: "I'll train you." I looked at her wide eyed.

Y/N: "What? Your series?"

Rumi: "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." I smiled and jumped up and down saying 'Yes'. "But to let you know it wouldn't be easy, you will have to lave a whole new lifestyle." I stopped jumping and looked her in the eyes.

Y/N: determent tone "I wouldn't let you down and I wouldn't stop no matter what on that I give you my word Rumi."

Rumi: big smile "Will lets get stared."

I spent the next 8 mouths doing all sort of workout and combat training with her. She'd have me run 10 km a day while carrying 1kg of weights, I had to do leg training in order for me to do even one of Luna kicks. She didn't go easy on me like she said which was good, we even went out beach for one-on-one.

Rumi: "You ready?" I nodded and got into a battle stains. "Here I come!"

I didn't even see her move but I ducked under a kick that would have taking my head clean off. I tried to throw a punch but I got kicked in the back sending me flying.

Rumi: "HAHAHA, come on I know you can do better than that, use you Quirk." I smiled and summand my cannon blasted her with it.

" I smiled and summand my cannon blasted her with it

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