Chapter 3

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Most of the classes were like normal which stumped most of the class. Lunch is at the main cafeteria. The Cook Hero: Lunch Rush runs the cafeteria and I hope he has good carrot dices.

Lunch Rush: "White rice is great combat food, isn't it?"

Uraraka: happy tone "Yeah."

Y/N: "I steel think Anty's cooking is better."

In the afternoon, we have Hero Basic Training.

AM: "I am... coming though the door like a normal person."

Y/N: "Yo!" He did his very showy walk to the front of the class. *mind* "If Rumi did something like that I'd die of how hot she look in her hero costume."

AM: "I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most of this subject!" And he is flexing. "Let's get right into it. This is what we'll do today..." He held out a card. "Combat training!"

Y/N: mind "Rumi thank you for getting me ready and ahead of my class in this field."

AM: "And to go with that are these!" The wall moved out with 20 chases. "Costumes made based on your Quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school stared." everyone cheered. "Shooter your costume is in the teacher's lounge best hurry and get it. After you change, gather in Ground Beta!"

I got up and ran to get my gear. When I got to the teacher's lounge I knocked then entered, I saw Nezu, Midnight and Sniper there.

Midnight: lustful tone "Oh what do we have here?" She licked her lips. "Did you come here to see me cutie?"

Y/N: sigh "My girlfriend will kill you if you keep flirting with me, and I came to get my hero gear."

Nezu: happy tone "It is right. It is all cloth made from steel wire alloy woven with carbon nanofibers. It also has a pocket where you can keep some snakes in."


Y/N: "Thank you Sir." She gave bow, grabbed the chase then ran off.

Nemuri: "So that was Lucy's kid huh? She's grown up to be a fine girl."

Sniper: "Yes she has."

Nezu: "I just hope when the day comes when she learns what and how she really is, Mirko will be there for her if things go wrong."

Nemuri: "Mirko the Rabbet Hero?" I gave a nod and took a sip of my tea. "Why would she be there for her?"

Nezu: "All I can tell is that there close." Nemuri didn't seam satisfied with my answer.


I got to Ground Beta after putting on my gear and took a look at everyone else but my eyes came to a stop on Momo and I blushed at the sight. I turned around and throw my hood up but then Deku came out in his costume.

Y/N: mind "I forgot that his mom got his first costume, it would be sad if it wasn't for the fact that his mom helped me out a lot."

Uraraka: "Oh, Deku."

Deku: "Uraraka!"

Uraraka: "That looks cool! Really down to earth. You look also Shooter."

Y/N: "Pleas call me Y/N, it will make things better for me." She just nodded.

AM: "Now, it's time for combat training!"

Ida: "Teacher! This is a battle canter from the entrace exam, so will we be coducting urban battles again?"

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