Chapter 2

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It was the day before school starts and I was making sure I had everything I needed.

Y/N: "Note books, check. Pens and pencils, check. Ruler and-"

Saya: slightly muffled "Y/N there's someone here to see you."

Y/N: "Coming Anty." I got up and went down steers.

When I came down I saw Principal Nezu and Rumi. I just gave a small wave as Rumi and Nezu both gave me bright smiles.

Nezu: "Hello Y/N, I am Principal Nezu of UA High." I sat next to Anty and gave a nod. "I am here to give you something that your mother left behind." I let out slight gasp as my eyes went wide.

Rumi: calm tone "What do you mean by 'left behind' Nezu?" Nezu pulled out a USB stick from his pocket and handed it to me.

Saya: "Is that what I think it is?"

Nezu: sad tone "Yes it is Saya, this is want your mother called 'The Backup'. What it does I do not know, she only told me to give it to you on this very day."

I some what zoned out to what was being said around me as I just looked at the USB and felt like I've seen it before. I brought it close to my hart when I heard Mom's voice.

Mom: happy tone "Okay Sweaty this USB will be able to let you use all of your powers at once. But don't use it for more then 10 seconds, you hear?"

Younger Y/N: "I hear you Mom and I promise."

I smiled and looked up at Nezu, Rumi and Anty.

Y/N: happy tone "Thank you for giving this to me, Sir. You have no idea how much this means to me." He gave a bright smile. "One more thing, Rumi?" She hummed. "Will you go out with me?"

She looked at me with shock along with Nezu as Anty stared to giggle like a evil Loli or something. Rumi got up came over to me, then pulled me into a loving kiss to which I melted into. It felt like everything that was wrong in my lives never happened, like she was a goddess that would keep me save.


Saya: whisper "Nezu mind keeping this a secret, it would mean the world to Y/N."

Nezu: whisper "I would never. After all we were there when she was made, so it is the least I could do."


I was running at top speed to UA with a carrot in my moth.

Y/N: mind "Damn it, damn it! Why did Rumi's cheat have to be so soft and worm."

I... over sleep. But can you blame my girlfriend is so worm and gentle that I could have sleep in for the rest of my live. I just run in school and looked at the map then ran off to my class room luckily I saw Deku at the over sized door. So I forced what was left of my carrot down my throat.

Y/N: "Hi Deku, sorry I'm late." He looked at me and smiled.

Deku: "No it's okay, way do you think your late?" I lightly blushed and looked to the side.

Y/N: nerves tone "I... Umm... May have cuddled with my girlfriend and didn't set my clock last night." I knew he had questions lined up but none came my way. *chough* "Anyway lets go in."

When I opened the door Blast Cap and 4-Eyes were going at it, so when they stop thy looked our way Deku went Deku while I just held a blank look. 4-Eyes made his way to us and stared talking.

Deku: "I'm Midoriya." I let out a huff. "This Shooter, nice to meet you, Ida."

Y/N: mind "Here we go." I just flat out didn't lessen to one word he said."

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