Chapter 6

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Third pov

Y/N eyes snapped open then she kick the Numo in the head so hard that you could hear the bon brake. Nomu dropped Y/N and she landed on her feet but bent down to pick up her arm and slam it back into place then moved it as if nothing ever happened.

Deku: shocked tone "Y-Y/N a-are you okay?" She only looked him in the eyes.

Midoriya froze out of a new sense of fear, not for the Nomu or the other villains in the USJ, but for Y/N herself. Her eyes weren't E/C but in fact thy were a dark purple with a bright red core that held no life in them.

Y/N?: robotic tone "U.A. student Izuku Midoriya leave." He did nothing as she looked a the Nomu and spoke once more. "Primer target identified, 'Nomu', this unit shall enter combat to wreaking until back up has arrived." She then summoned the Insane Cannon Lance and aimed it at the Nomu.

" She then summoned the Insane Cannon Lance and aimed it at the Nomu

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Tomura: "Something isn't right about that girl... Nomu."

The Numo move at top speed to punch her but impaled itself on the lance as Y/N steered at it blankly. A ferry of bullets was fired for 1 second making the Nomu jump back holding the spot on it body where it was shot then it healed.

Y/N?: robotic tone "Target , 'Nomu', Quirks; Shock Absorption, Super Regeneration."

Tomura: cocky tone "That's right, no mater how had you try you'll never be able to beat Nomu. He was ma-" He was cut off we Nomu caught up blood. "What!? Nomu what worng?"

Y/N?: robotic tone "Target, 'Nomu', has been weakened by toxic blood. Target efficiency at 55% and dropping, pros- Pro Hero, U.A. Teacher All Might has arrived. Pulling back to safety." Right as she finished the front doors of the USJ was blown open.

AM: made tone "Do not worry students. For I am here!" He stepped out of the dust and saw Y/N grabbing Midoriya and Izawa and jumping away. All Might quickly knock out several thugs then stood next to Y/N. "Young Shooter get to the rest of your class."

Y/N?: robotic tone "New objective assigned." she then looked at All Might. "Target, 'Nomu', has been weakened and can be easily be dealt with."

Tomura: mind "This isn't how it was serapes to go. That girl, she isn't human. Dimmit. We have to get out of here. Nomu wouldn't make." *aloud* "Nomu!"

The Nomu went after All Might and stared to fight.

Y/N? pov

Pro Her All Might and Target, 'Nomu', went head to head with one anther. This unit was getting U.A. student Izuku Midoriya and U.A. teacher Izawa to the rest of the U.A. students.

Midoriya: "Y/N are you... okay?" I ran a quick system run.

Y/N?: robotic tone "This unit is running at 25% efficiency." Meidoriya looked at this unit with shock.

Midoriya: "How are you?"

IBRS: robotic tone "This unit is known as IBRS. This unit was made Lucy Shooter to protect User Y/N Shooter. That is all this Unit can say."

This unit and Midoriya got to the rest of the U.A. students.

IBRS: robotic tone "Transfusing command to User." This unit shut down for now.

Time skip Y/N pov

I woke up to the feeling of slimy. I opened my eyes to see that I am in my vacta tank back home or the one at school. I tried to move but only to let out grown.

???: kind tone "Please try not move around dairy." I looked a little to the side to see Recovery Girl.

Y/N: very weakly "What... hap...pend?"

RG: "From what your friend told me you went into some sort of autopilot mode that your mother made to keep you save." She walked up to the tank. "Does the letters IBRS mean anything to you?"

Y/N: very weakly "No... don't... re...mem...ber." I heard what sounded like doors being swung open.

Saya: scared tone "Where is she?" Recovery Girl pointed at the tank and stepped asied.

Anti can into few and I saw she had tears running down her face and it mad me tear up.

Saya: "You had me worried sick Y/N. When I got the call I dropped everything and came here." she let out a sniff and put her for head on the tank. "Recovery Girl, how long will she have to be in the tank?"

RG: "Until tomorrow I'm afraid. Her body needs to fix nerves and make sure that arm is in place, plus her body is over loaded with pain when even she try's to move." Anti wiped her tears.

Saya: "Want me to call Rumi and tell her what happened." 

Y/N: very weakly and tired "Yes... sleepy." I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Saya pov

I sat down and called Rumi.

Rumi: happy tone "Yo! Saya what ups?" I didn't answer straight away "Saya, is something wrong?"

Saya: sad tone "Rumi, I need you to sit down and lessen to what I have to say." I heard her hum. "Y/N's class got attacked by villains today, but no one but Y/N got hurt. *shaky sigh* She got hurt really bad and is in a Vacta tank so that her body can heal faster."

Rumi: scared tone "Saya, please tell me that she's okay."

Saya: sad tone "No. She is anything but okay. Her arm was torn off, she almost dead of blood loss and she used overused her Quirke." Rumi gasped. "She'll be staying at the school for the night but when she gets home she'll be put in her recharge pod for at least 2 more days." I wiped my tears. "After that she'll need you more than every."

Rumi shaky tone "I-I'll tell my assent that I need to take some personal time."

Saya: "Thank Rumi. Bye."

 Rumi pov

I have never been so scared in my life before. The love of my life, my mate, almost dead today.

Hawkes: censured tone "Um... Rumi, what happened?" I looked him in the eyes as I wiped my tears.

Rumi: shaky tone "The girl I just told you about, got attacked by villains today and is now recovering from almost dying Hawkes." He was filled with worry. "And to make things even harder for me she is me mate Hawkes, the girl how I am going to want to spend the rest of my live with is surreally hurt." I held my face letting the tears flow.

Hawkes: "Fuck. Okay Rumi if there is anything I can do help let me know okay. I am not letting my best friend go though something like this with out help."

Rumi: "Can you take me back home, I need to pack some things."

Hawkes: "Should I call you assent?" I just nodded.

Rumi: mind "Please come back to me Y/N."

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