Chapter 8

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Midnight: "All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium about four kilometers!" She then raised her whip in the air. "Our school's selling point is freedom!" She then licked her lips in a very seductive way. "As long as you stay on the course it doesn't matter what you do! Now, take your places everyone!"

Everyone stood bay the gate waiting for the go. When the three lights turned off one by one until Midnight yelled start making everyone run.

Mic: "Okay, here's the play-by-play! Are you ready to do commentary, Mummy Man?"

Izawa: tiered tone "You're the one who forced me to come." All the students ran into the entrains. 

Mic: "Let's get started right away, Mummy Man. What should we pay attention to in the early stages?"

Izawa: "This part right now." All the students where stuck in the hallway and fighting there way.


Y/N: "This looks like a good plays to use my flight gear." I make my 'wings' around my hips then jumped then flow right when Shoto went Elsa and froze the ground. "Hi Shoto." I flow over him. "Bye Shoto."

Mic: speaker "Looks like Class 1-A's Y/N Shooter is air born and has gotten to the first barrier!"


A faux villain took a swing at Y/N but she dogged and cut it in half.

Faux: "Target found!" *Bang* Y/N shoot it's head of with 7 Shoots.

Y/N: "You lot can play with the others." She then looks at the Zero pointer. "But I can play with you."

She then flies up to one of the Zero Pointers and gave it shoots to the 'eyes?' braking 3 of them the flow into it's head.

Mic: joyful tone "Shooter from Class 1-A! Looks to be doing a Star Wars, bay attacking the inside. HOHOHOO! I can't wait to see what happens next! What do you thing Mummy Man?" Izawa let out a sigh.

Izawa: "She'll most likely do something crazy." The Zero Pointer began to spark like crazy the it's head blow up sending Y/N flying over the other Zeros. "Like that."


I coughed out some smoke as I landed and keep running but I then felt a icy breeze and heard a loud thud knowing that Shoto did it.

Mic: joyful "Todoroki from Class 1-A! He attacked and defended in one hit! How elegant!" I let out a small laugh and used my gear to give me a speed boost.

Izawa: "His actions are logical and strategic."

I didn't care to lesson to the rest of the chatter and keep moving on to the second barrier. With my speed I should be able to place a new recorded. I soon stopped at what looked like a tomb raider par core section.

Mic: "Hey, hey! The first barrier's a piece of cake? Then what about the second?" I looked down and dam. "If you fall, you're out! If you don't wanna fall, then crawl! It's 'The Fall'!" I looked at one of the hidden bots.

Y/N: "Do I look like a ape to you Mic? I'm ganna fly over this BS!" I took a few steps back then then ran and used my gear to jump from platform to platform.

Mic: "A lot of different people are working hard for their chance, huh, Eraser Head?" I stopped at the end and looked back to see the rest student body.

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