Chapter 10

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The battles were chaotic to say the least. Deku and Shoto's was the worst of them, those two broke the dame arena. Iida's match was just too shot but now it's me and Fumikage's match.

Fumikage: "Dark Shadow!" Dark Shadow emerged from Fumikage's chest.

DS: "Got it." He charged me but I wiped out two Seven Shots and blasted him forcing him to back off.

Y/N: "What's the matter Dark Shadow, don't like plasma?" *mind* "I Know that he gets weaker in light so if I can make a light big enough he'll have no power." I then swapped out one pistil for my cannon.

DS: "Oh no, you don't!" He charged at me once more but I shoved his bird head into the boroll of the of my cannon and lit him up. "AAAAAAHHHHH!!" After he shrunk down I charged Fumikage and Sparta kicked him out of the ring.

Midnight: "Tokoyami is out of bounds! Shooter wins!" Everyone cheered and I gave Fumikage a bow and left to get ready for my battle with bomb boy.


Mic: "Alright, alright! Up next is the girl with a armory, Y/N Shooter! VS! The waking bomb, Katsuki Bakugo!"

Y/N: mind "I need to use heavy armor and stay close to him. With every hit I take I need to return ten fold, no weapons, just my healing and fist."

Mic: "Start!" I wasted no time and charged at him and like always he uses a right hock to blow me up. "What a hit!" 


Out of the smoke came a armored fist and hit Bakugo in the face toughing him back.

Mic: "Oh ho. It looks like Shooter has gone all on her deafens! What do you think Eraser?" Bakugo got up and used a bigger blast that slightly moved Y/N back.

Aizawa: "Shoot's IBRS armor is hard to get though, but I wouldn't say that Bakugo wont hurt her." Y/N's body is giving of a light blue glow as she heals rapidly. "This fight will end when either of them have reached there limit."

With another blast and with the smoke clearing the two teens can me seen panting with Bakugo holding his right for arm and Y/N's body glowing.

Y/N: mind "I just have about 1/4 of my power left. I have to end this here." *aloud* "I should end this before it gets out of hand, what do you say, bomb boy?" Bakugo just grind at her.

She summoned her Strength Gantlets and charged Bakugo with him charging up a big blast. Y/N was about to hit him when a blast hit her center mass but wasn't strong enough to pouch her back or stop her fist from hitting Bakugo's jaw.

Mic: "WOW! What happened?" A mass dust cloud hung over the arena until the sound of metal hitting something and Bakugo flying out of the cloud and onto the grass. "Wow, looks like Bakugo got hit hard." Y/N stepped out of the cloud with a hand over her chest and no armor.

Midnight: "Bakugo is out of bounds! Shooter, wins!"


I sat in waiting room 1 drinking the last two bottles of my BRS-P needing to recharge all my energy. After the last swig of my drink I let out a sigh.

Y/N: "He may be an idiot, but he hits really hard." *ring* *ring* *ri-click* "Hello?"

Rumi: over cell "Hello there, Shooting Star." A blush made it's way on my face.

Y/N: "Hi, Cotton Tail, don't have long before the last match." As much as I want to skep the fight for Rumi I can't.

Rumi: over cell "I just want to let you know that I have two people with me that might wanna have you for a internship. Say hi you two."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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