[First Meeting]

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"Miss Y/N, you will be paired up with Mr. Joongoo." The teacher said, I was just praying to get a decent partner earlier but I got the worst. 'I don't really know this guy, but people around me have been talking about how bad he is, But who knows if those were just rumors.'  I grumbled and placed my head on the table wishing it would all end for today's classes and go home. I felt someone pulling the chair beside me, I looked up and saw him it was Joongoo. He had a silly smug on. "So you're Y/N, the transfer student." He spoke to me as I took my aqua flask out drinking coffee from it. "Is that coffee?" He asked. "Yeah, I sometimes need to drink coffee to help me stay awake in classes since last night I slept really really late," I replied to him Enjoying this conversation. The project had started and Joongoo wasn't really focused on doing the project. I sighed and thought of a way to make him do the project. "Look, I know going to school is tiring and all but we need grades to pass," I told him as he was just making paper airplanes. "I don't need to pass school, I'm already rich enough with my job." He said as he was happily counting his money now. "I didn't know you were also a working student," I said to him while making our project. "Now you know kid, If you ever want someone to be beaten up just call me, It'll cost you a lot though." He said as he handed me a piece of paper indicating prices of how he'll beat up people and how much he will charge for it. 'So he is like a thug.' 

"You do know that this will make you in trouble right?" I said to him handing him the paper he had given me about his job. "So what? we only go to jail for a few months or days" He said as he was now using his phone. You sighed. "Then please just for me, help me with this," I beg for him to help me.  "If you want my help you gotta pay for it, it does cause my precious time." He said and you were shocked. "This project is for the both of us anyways, why do I need to pay?" I asked him "Because I want money and money is everything." He said as he walked out of the classroom without the teacher's permission I was shocked at how bold he was doing that, without even trying to hide himself doing all these things at school.

*Bell rings* 

It was the end of school I was walking home alone. I took out my aqua flask to drink more coffee again as my drowsiness is coming in. I walked slowly and slumped to the wall since I was very tired from studying earlier and doing the project that I and Joongoo were supposed to do. I was startled to see a man being thrown away to the wall. I ran to where it came from curious. And peeked that it was him. Joongoo. "Alright, Time for payment." He said as he cleans his hands and grabs the money from the man. Joongoo had success but he was bleeding, I walked out of the shadows and approached him. "You're bleeding man," I said as I took out a tissue to wipe the blood out. "H-hey! quit it! don't touch it." He said as he was shoving me away. "But you're injured," I said as I held his hand and ran to my house. surprisingly he came obediently. We both entered my house I let him sit on my sofa and I ran upstairs to get my first aid kit. 

I took out the disinfectant spray, cotton balls, gauze, bandaids, and betadine. "It's going to sting a little," I said as I spray some disinfectant spray. Joongoo had overreacted and was screaming. after applying disinfectant to the wound I cleaned it with some cotton, now I poured some betadine into the cotton, and applied it to the wound. He actually stayed still too. After the betadine was applied, I placed gauze on the wound so it would keep germs away from it and it would help heal a lot faster. 

After treating Joongoo. it was really awkward, considering I dragged him into my house out of nowhere and we barely even knew each other, but something about him just made me curious about him. He was like different. "Thanks for the treatment, I ain't paying you dragged me here." He said while having his arms crossed from one another. You giggled. "don't worry I won't, I just didn't want you to bleed to death. Plus, I heard if you lose too much blood it makes you stupid, You're already stupid. I don't you to become even more stupid than before." Joongoo gasped like he was hurt. "I'll have you know that I am very smart, Even smarter than einstein." He said. as it gave you an opening. "Then prove it to me, Answer these questions," I said handing out the project to him, as he answers. After waiting for him to finish. I looked at his answers which made me shocked. It was all somewhat correct, but it still lacked in most parts. "Thanks for doing our project," I said winking at him. "YOU-" "HAHAHAHA" you laughed as he was angry about it. "My time and services are always meant to be paid! it's not for free!" He grumpily said. "Too bad, not my fault, try again next time," I said drinking coffee again trying to keep myself alive. 

But oh boy you have no idea what you've pulled yourself into. As you said those words. Joongoo started thinking of unfathomable things to do to you to get back at you. this was only the beginning and just hope you will survive it. 


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