[Out of the Closet?]

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I woke up in the morning still feeling sleepy but as the sun shines through my face it woke me up.

I Yawned and sat up to look around to see my phone and check what time it was it was 8 am in the morning, and my alarm was supposed to be at 8:30 am. I opened my phone to check if there were any messages in it but none, I opened youtube and started playing music to get me up in the morning, and I stood up wiping my eyes to see clearly to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror to see my tired face and opened the faucet to get water to clean my face. Getting the toothbrush and paste to clean my teeth. As I finished doing both I took off my yesterday's clothes to take a shower. I fell asleep on the bed, I mean who wouldn't? Sleeping on an enormous bed?

The bathroom also had a Jacuzzi and I was not wasting my chances so I opened the faucet to run the water, I looked at the shelves to see shampoo, conditioner, body soap, body liquid soap, and the one for bath bubbles. I took the one for bath bubbles opened it and threw some in the water and mixed it into bubbles. And it was making bubbles very quickly. 

You made sure to open the temperature to a little bit hot so it would wake up your blood cells, makes your blood circulations better and it would help you keep warm.

You were having fun inside the Jacuzzi, taking a bath, playing music while scrubbing your hair and body as you can also swim around in the bubble and its warm temperature.

There was also a humidifier to cleanse the air and bring in a good scent. You opened your eyes as you look around to see the command buttons to dim the lights so you can have complete relaxation and mood.

As you scrub your scalp you feel sleepy again and have the relaxed feeling of music that goes through the bathroom walls No School, No homework, No sounds of Cars honking or dogs barking. It was a serenity. 

But reality slaps you in the face as your alarm starts to ring. And you snapped back to the reality that you needed to go out and eat as well.

After taking a bath you took the towel beside the Jacuzzi, drained the water, and went out to the bedroom to get a shirt and pants. And went to the dining room to see some of my relatives, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I greet them with a smile and good morning as they greet me back as well and gestured to join them in eating.

As we sat at the table they bombarded me with questions, How are you, How's School, Does anyone bully you, Do you need anything, want anything? And after that, they started to talk about grandfather's party later night.

"Y/N, later at night your grandfather is throwing a party, care to join?" My aunt said as I replied, "I don't really know auntie, I don't have a dress and I don't know how to fix myself, So I'll just stay in my room."

"Why not Y/N? You are very beautiful. When you were young you had long pretty hair and beautiful dresses, don't tell me you are gay." my other aunt asked me.

When my aunt said that, my hand started shaking I was nervous since this was a hard topic, and my words and actions could be a disaster. They might kick me out of the family and call me a shame. But my mother taught me to stand by myself.

So I breathed in and out and answered "I'm Pansexual, I am attracted to someone regardless of their gender, So one day I may fall in love with someone who is either a man or a woman, I just want my lover to love me it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman." I said sweating through my palms knowing my family was a bit religious.

"Aw is that so? That's good for you then you are trying to understand yourself eh? What's important is that you study and become rich then you do whatever you want and be happy okay?" my auntie said as she was smiling giving me juice and some snacks to eat.

"But you should join the party tonight, who knows if you meet your Mr. or Mrs. right? Your soulmate?" My uncle said as he looked at my cousins who were using their phones.

"And bond with your cousins you guys only meet one another once a year or maybe three to five years." My uncle said as he calls one of my female cousins

"(Cousin name) Why don't you help your little cousin here for tonight's party?" My uncle said as my female cousin looked up from her phone to look at me smiling as she said hi.

And stood up to get to know me, she asked lots of questions and I answered them back, then we talked about shopping after eating breakfast.

My other uncle took his wallet out and gave my cousin credit cards and some cash. And said enjoy.

My other female cousins joined too. My other cousins weren't talkative as the one I talked to but they were very nice, I guess it runs in the family.

Being smart, shy, and a bit energetic when needed to be. My male cousins were the ones driving upfront just quiet and playing games.

So if my memory serves me right.

The one I talked to was
Female cousin 2, Female cousin 1 is the eldest and is the one wearing glasses and scrolling through TikTok.
Female cousin 4 is the one playing with her iPad with female cousin 5. While female cousin 3 is reading Wattpad on the side of the car looking out the window as well.

Male cousin 1 is the eldest and is driving the car while male cousin 2 is beside him using his phone.

Female cousins 1,4, and 5 are the children of Auntie 1 and Uncle 1

Female cousins 2,3 and male cousins 1 and 2 are children of  Auntie and Uncle 2

I barely even remember them, then again Uncle 2 did say they only see me once a year and I don't appear for mostly the rest.

*At the Mall*

We all arrived at the mall. Female Cousins 2 and 3 dragged me to luxurious stores. And chose me different outfits. 'Damn, they're really expensive, I am rich to be precise but I want to save money since I live on my own now.' I thought as they kept putting clothes on the cart I was about to put back expensive ones.

"Why are you returning them?" Female cousin 1 asked.

"I'm trying to save money?" I replied

"We'll pay for it, as long as you let me do your make and I'll turn you into a pretty princess, or a pretty prince charming." Female cousin 2 says as I shrugged and gave the clothes back to the store manager who was carrying the items we've bought.

My Female Cousin 2 likes Clothes, Makeup, Money, and Jewelry. But she is a very nice person. People would assume that she's a spoiled brat but she isn't. She also likes designing clothes and Jewelry. And sometimes opens a fundraiser to donate by selling her Clothes and Jewelry.

My Female Cousin 1 is Intelligent and is studying to be a doctor. She is also very nice she likes the dresses made by Female Cousin 2 and helps her give her more Ideas.

Female Cousin 3 is an Otaku, who loves anime and loves cosplaying with Female Cousin 2's help she can wear different character costumes at a free price as long as she endorses Female Cousin 2's clothes.

Female cousins 4 and 5 are both children.

I don't really know what male cousins 1 and 2 do but I know that Male Cousin 1 helps grandfather with work and Male cousin 2 loves chess.

And after staring into space, My Female Cousin 2 snapped me to reality as she said it was all done and it was time to go home.


**To be Proofread**

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