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You walked to school early in the morning again, You were always early whenever it was only your first few days at your school, but after a month you'll be arriving late at everything because you're already relaxed at everything. 

As you entered the classroom, you could see Joongoo sitting on your desk with his feet on top of your table, and he was smiling like he was about to create chaos that no one has ever seen. He was just looking at me menacingly.

I approached him and spoke, "I sit there, Will you please move?" You asked him politely. "Oh, This was your seat? I don't see any name on it." Joongoo said as you tried making him switch his seat.  but Joongoo was relentless and didn't want to give up the seat. You sighed in defeat giving him the seat, You were about to seat beside him as he pulled the chair away. You fell to the ground and injured your bottom. It pissed you but you rose from the ground and took the chair and made sure you sat on it.

"Oh, it is on." You taunt Joongoo as you looked at his smug face. It made your blood boil whenever he pulled pranks on you.

*At Recess*

After that stunt Joongoo had pulled you wanted to get back by adding hot sauce to his meal. He was picking up some snacks from the vending machine, Looking at Joongoo he walked back to his seat and are his food. Watching him eat slowly as his face became red. He panicked and took a sip of water to get rid of the spiciness of the meal he had eaten. His eyes were watering and his lips became plumped red. He looked at me angrily and menacingly.

You'll pay. You giggled and stood from your seat to run away from Joongoo. 'This will be entertaining ' You thought as you ran back to the classroom. You sat there quietly watching anime from your phone. A pair of scissors snapped your headset's cords leaving you shocked and furious as the headset you were using cost you big money.

You sat down beside him looking at him with a glare. He was laughing at your face to the point his saliva was getting splashed onto your face. The Teacher walked in to resume classes and the next Subject was P.E. which made an idea spark.

Joongoo headed to the changing room to change into P.E. clothes his shoes were inside a locker and you opened up the locker and took the laces off. And hid it under his table.

After doing so you proceeded to the field to do exercises that your teacher had told you to do. The Teacher started to do roll calls but Joongoo was nowhere to be found as the activity was about to start. But before the activity was about to start Joongoo was walking out to the field but he still didn't have any shoelaces on.

He looked at you smiling with a glare that gave you chills on your skin. As the Teacher gave teams to exercise you were teamed up with Joongoo. Which made you sweat. 'What will Joongoo do?!'  You approached him as he was waiting for you to cross your arms as we both started stretching. He suddenly asked me to do a trick. He said it was part of the exercise. But you weren't sure and you weren't listening to the teacher so you didn't know, but you didn't believe him. He said it's okay, He doesn't care about failing anyways. That made you sweat your position since you needed to have an overall high score.

But you refused and asked another student if it was included and it wasn't. You looked at him glaring as he shrugged it off. "What? I may have heard it wrong." He said as you both continued stretching. He suddenly took both of your arms and tied them up. And pulled your shoes. You looked at the place where your teacher is supposed to be but he wasn't there. Joongoo was laughing while he was removing your shoes. You were screaming and hitting him. And no one was helping you. And he started to run away with the shoes leaving you shocked and stranded on the ground. You tried wriggling your way out of the handkerchief he had tied on you. After doing so you tried standing up tip-toeing to the lockers to get some pair of shoes to walk around with. You sighed again. 'This is seriously getting out of hand.' You thought to yourself. As you just sat on your chair and looked at Joongoo's table looking beneath it to see if the laces were still there.

You changed your clothes to your normal uniform. And you roamed around the school to find Joongoo.

He was on the rooftop smiling as if he was going to throw your shoes off the roof. You showed him his Shoeslaces.

"I came to make a trade!" I shout as he looked at me noticing the laces on my hand. "Nah, you can keep 'em!" He said as he threw your shoes away. You gasped as you ran to him looking below the railings to see where your shoes fell. You looked and you didn't see them. It was your shoes thrown. "Fooled you." He said flicking your forehead. He showed you your shoes and gave them to you. You gave him back his shoelaces. "I didn't your shoes anyways ain't branded and they seem so cheap." He said as he walked away when the bell rang.

After processing what happened. It made your heartbeat. You sat down on the floor holding your chest. Then on to your face. "What in the love story is this?" it made you squeel like an idiot. Punching the wall. You sighed and thought about it.

This man can be my worst nightmare. I should keep my guard up.


LOOKISM [Kim Joongoo X Reader] Red + Red = Green (STOPPED)Where stories live. Discover now