The second chance meeting.

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After the figh was over optimus realised who had just witnessed the fight, he gingerly turned around and saw that the girl was still looking at the decepticons which "she" had just destroyed.
After what felt like an eternity she looked up at optimus. Now the prime could see her quiet clearly. She had light brown skin, brown eyes. The two just continued to star at each other not sure of what to do. Suddenly a buzzing noise was herd from the girls pocket. She took out her phone and cursed under her breath. She placed her phone back in her pocket and got out of the wrecking vehical after taking one last look at the mech she smield and left.

I had no idea that the beings of this planet could be so... brave.

(Time skip to the next day)

Optimus once again went out for a drive at two in the afternoon he went drove around jasper navada until he noticed young teenagers exiting from a building. Curious he drov a little closer to it, children who passed by looked at the wester star truck in aww wondering who it could belong to. After five minutes the same girl who had helped him with the decepticons yesterday walked towards the side walk. The girl had her hair tyed in a pony tail-though Optimus thought she looked batter with her hair loose-she wore a simple T-shirt and jeans. She looked up and down the road expecting to see someone but she sighed in frustration when no one showed up. Some kids were pointing and laughing at her.

Aww did reanna the reject get rejected again, said a big boy.

So her name is reanna, Optimus thought, I wonder what their talking about. Is there no one with her like the other children. She's going towards the construction sight perhaps I could meet her there.

Optimus felt like it was important that he should meet with this girl she was realy different as he had observed yesterday and if she had any misunderstandings about him he must clear them up as soon as possible.

Back at the construction ground reanna was standing on a large rock looking around the area trying to spot a giant red and blue robot.
Optimus had reached the construction sight as well and was standing besides a crane.
Suddenly, as if she knew some one was watching her reanna turned around and saw a twenty foot robot next to a crane. The two stared at each other for some time befor they both took a few steps forward.

How did she know when I was going to move, he thought.

The twelve year old looked up at the prime from where she was, without any fear and... waved at him with a small smile.
Optimus raised an eye ridge sightly confused and bent down on one knee to reach her level.

Still with a smile on her face she held out her hand.
Hi, she said, I'm reanna, thanks for the save yesterday.

Out of politness Optimus smiled back and shook her hand gently.

I am Optimus prime, he said, and you'r welcome.

The two looked into each other's eyes, that day was the start of a new friendship.

TFP Old friends (Optimus x Oc) Where stories live. Discover now