A new ally

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Starscream was walking slowly towards Lord Megatron's chamber rather nervous.
He passed by Steve and a few other vehicons who had been at the fight with him.

Megatron isn't going to like this, Steve told his comrades.

As he entered the room Megatron had his back to him with sound wave right next to him.

Starscream, said Megatron, it has come to my knowing that you have some... bad news you wish to inform me about.

Unfortunately my Lord you have been told right, said starscream, over the last three years of your... absence the Autobots-more specifically-optimus prime -have gained a new ally a fem-

So there is a new Autobot in team prime, said Megatron, a fem-i see no reason as to why we should worry to much about her.

You misunderstood my leige, star scream was trying not to sound disrespectful, you see this new ally is more close to Optimus and i dont believe the rest of the Autobots know about her also... she is not cybertronian yet... a human.


M-m-my Lord l -l-l understand your shock b-but...

You let a mear human-let alone a female-take down a decepticon.

S-she actually was able to take a down an entire squadron.


Ask sound wave my Lord, star scream was starting to shake, he was there.

Megatron turned towards his third in command.
Sound wave nodded his head and on a screen he showed yesterday's fight. The decepticon leader was Intruiged by reanna's ability to shape shift. After the video ended Megatron sat on his throne and was lost in thought for a few moments, both sound wave and starscream knew better than to disturb Megatron while he was thinking.
Finally he looked up.

Starscream you are... dismissed, he said.

Starscream nodded and left the room. 

Once he was sure no one else was there Megatron called sound wave to him.

This new ally of optimus can turn into a problem, he said and lowering his voice continued, I want you to arrange a meeting with her so that i can personally take care of this... problem.

Sound wave nodded and left the room leaving Megatron in his own thoughts.

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