on the battle field

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Once reanna and miko were at the fight scene they almost got smashed by a giant boulder coming their way but fortunately reanna steard the ATV out of harms way and started driving around the fight.

Fuck, she said, all i see is purple. We need a higher vantage point.

What about up there, miko said pointing to a ledge above the canyon.

Good thinking kid, reanna said and added speed to her vehical and pressed a button on the handles. Spikes appeared at the bottom of the tiers and the ATV was able to climb the rock wall. Reanna parked her vehical directly on the Rocky ledge.

That was so cool, said miko, I almost felt like puking... but it was still cool.

I like your grit kid, said reanna and scanned the battle field while identifying the bots below.

Con, con, con, con..., she listed,
cone, con, yellow bot, con, green bot, con, girl bot, con, starscream, con, con,... WAIT STARSCREAM!!!

You know him, miko asked.

Know him, pah, I've fought with that stilleto heeled creep dozens of times, said reanna. And boy, pay back is going to be sweet.

What did he do to you, miko asked.

He was the one who caused my so called "death" and because of that it kept me away from my best friend for two and a half years. He also gave me this.

Reanna rolled up her sleev allthe way up to he shoulder and showed miko a huge scar.

That must have been painful, said miko.

It was while it lasted, said reanna, but now I can give screamy a taste of his own medicine.

So what's the plan, said miko all excited.

I go down there - kick con tail pipe - while you stay here and take recordings and picture's of my victory so i can SHOVE IT in that doc bot's FACE PLATE!
Here's a phone, reanna gave miko a big rectangular phone to take video's and pictures with.

You can count on me!!.

Reanna got of her vehical and went to the edge of the ledge with flick of her hair she became a completely different creature. Her hands turned into paws with four fingers along with her feet. (her boots retracted into buckles on her knees) She got pointy wolf ears and a elegant muzzle and a big fluffy tails, with a white tip apeared from her lower back(not from her ass).

Reanna- now night howler - gave miko the peace out sign and jumped off the ledge. Miko sat up in shock and started recording.
(Just saying for this story only the characters can call each other by their Nick names I'm going to be calling them by their real name)
Reanna landed on her hands and with a front flip landed on her back paws(feet).
Looking around she saw the chaos and decided to pull out the big guns -literally.
From her belt she took out two bad ass looking revolvers and ran straight into the fight blasting cons straight through their sparks --she didn't have ordinary weapons.
To gain a little more speed she activated her roller skates and boy did that make a difference. Because she was small it was easy for her to kill without being noticed. She saw arcee being crowded around some cons and decided to intervene. With a powerful jump she landed on one of the cons's face plate and with a strong kick nocked his head of his body,she jumped again-her fangs out-and her entire body tore through a spark chamber.

Arcee looked down to see who did the damage and was surprised to spot a wolfthe size of a human spitting out a bunch of energon(she and her team are immune to it)
Reanna winked at the femm and skated off leaving arcee puzzled.
As the wolf girl skated through the fight she finnaly saw a familiar color scheme. Red and blue. As she got closer she saw that it was Optimus.

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