A very special song

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(Soooo I'm lazy again and I'm just going to get to the good part cause I assume all of you want this..)
Quick summary
Benate and reanna retell their story to the bots and humans about who they are and how they came to be
(Just saying reanna and her team are -what I like to call-hybrids)

Sooo, jack said not entirely sure about what to make of the situation.

You guys are where animals, miko said excited.

We're what I like to call hybrids, said benate.

And if I get this straight, said nurse darby, is that you two and four others form a wild girl group and during the night you all go... hunting.

Ya got that right, said reanna, during the day we're pop stars or assasins and by night we go hunting.

Hunting for what, asked arcee.

Those fucking scientists who turned us into what we are today, said reanna.

Why, miko asked, you look so cool and your powers are awsome, you think they could give me powers like that.

Listen babe-miko was it, said reanna, these powers are results of past experiments which have failed and those failed experiments include innocent lives being lost. And the 450 back at base have lost a lot of loved ones.

We are constantly getting reports of body's which are half animal and human, said benate, these mother fucking scientists only care if their experiments are a success and those people who survived are left in the most desolate places to die. These people don't want any witness's.
Very few are able to escape, it's only by sheer luck that we're able to find and help them.

Wow, said agent fowler, no wonder your the best assassin agents out there. You girls are animals.

Half animals, said benate, we're still humans on the inside... or outside-which is our... inside... I think

So you were telling the truth when you said you assisted optimus in battling the decepticons, said ratchet.

Reanna nodded her head, how is he doc bot.

He's stable and fortunately fully functional, he should be awake by tomorrow morning. If he had taken another blast his injuries would have been even worse.

I couldn't just stand there now could I, said reanna, he is my first and real best friend after all. I've had many friends in the past but prime's my first real one.

But I'm your first girl friend right, said benate

Yes benate you are my first girl friend but the only problem is your bibble intake, though I'm surprised your not concerned for your own health. You eat ten packets of bibble each hour

And after those packets I eat an apple, said benat.

And how big are those packets, reanna said crossing her arms

Benate looked down with a little guilt, as big as a milk carton, she said.

Reanna clapped her hands and pointed at her friend for addmiting it.

Ok enough of this, arcee said tierd of the bibble talk, why are the two of you here.

Oh, I found some thing very special for you Autobots and I thought you could use it, said reanna, but I wanna spend some time with prime.

Fair enough I guess, said arcee

Well it's getting late, said ratchet, maybe we should all get some rest and talk tomorrow.

Nurse darby I'll take raf and miko back home, said agent Fowler

Thank you agent Fowler, said June darby.

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