The beginning of a new friendship

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As the sky grew darker Optimus and reanna returned back to base. The only ones in the main area were ratchet and Benate. Optimus rolled into base and reanna jumped out and headed for the human area where her friend was.
The ex muslim girl was typing on her computer while eating a packet of bibble.

'Whatcha doin Ben', said reanna looking over benate's shoulder.

Benate shrugged,'Meh, I got some medical reports from Roxanne and i gotta look through them. Then I gotta send what medicine's to give each patient. Looks like I'm gonna be pulling an all nighter'.

While the two hybrids were talking Optimus asked ratchet about the others.

'Bumblebee and arcee are recharging in the rooms and its bulkhead's turn for night patrol. He should be back in about an hour or so,'said the medic.

'Then I shall power down for the night as well', said Optimus', but ratchet...

'Yes', the medic said not turning away from the screen.

'You will get some rest when bulkhead returns... right? '

'Sure, why not', still ratchet didn't make eye contact.

Relieved, optimus walked over to reanna and benate and asked the wolf girl if she wanted to see his room. Reanna turned into her hybrid form and jumped onto the prime's shoulder in a single leap. Benate watched them leave before going back to her work.
When Optimus opened the door to his room and turned the lights one reanna barked in surprise and jumped off of his shoulder and went in her animal form.

'Wow', she said, 'this is your room'.

The prime nodded.

'It's so much nicer than you made it sound. I thought the only thing in here would be a stasis pod or somethin'. Reanna immediately got to work examining the room.

Optimus's room was small but nicely furnished. On one side was a large shelf - almost as big as two giraffes - filled with data pads and other alien looking objects. On the other side was a work table for Optimus to sit at. And next to the large shelf there was the prime's recharge station, which looked exactly like a normal bed. Optimus sat down on his "bed" and started rubbing his right ped. While climbing he got it stuck in a small hole in the hyperion tree. Reanna jumped onto the bed and was surprised by the comfort of the thermal blanket.

'Wow', this is waaay softer than any other blanket iv ever used'.

Optimus chuckled as he continued to massage his ped. 'A thermal blanket is used to regulate our body heat and stabilize '-

Befor the prime could finish a strange noise caught his attention. He turned his helm and saw reanna violently scratching her paws against the blanket. Optimus was slightly confused.

'Um... Reanna. What are you'...

'I'm diggin a hole', was all she said as she continued

Optimus didn't say anything but allowed her to continue "digging".This went on for half a minute, then started to jump on the blanket as if she were hunting some small rodent. The Autobot leader observed his friend's antics silently, then a small amusing smile formed on his face plate. Once reanna had tired herself out she flopped onto her stomach panting. The prime got into bed and opened up the blanket.

'I believe it's time we got some rest', he told his wolf friend, giving her a scratch behind her ear.

Optimus turned off the lights and laid his hea down. After two minutes the both of them were asleep. Reanna was laying on top of the prime's legs using her tail to cover her muzzle. The two of them did not wake till morning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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