A climbing race

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Out on the open road Optimus was in his vehicle form and was headed towards the small forest on the hill and in his driver's seat was reanna. The girl had insisted that she be in the driver's seat. After all she wasn't an eleven year old girl anymore.
Their drive was quite and the only sound was the lyrics of george straight because as promised reanna allowed Optimus to choose the station.

Finally they reached the top of the hill. Reanna got out of the passenger seat so the prime could transform. The faced the forest and it's lush green beauty.

'Ya still think the Hyperion tree is still standing', reanna asked.

Optimus looked down at his friend, 'it is meant to be the tallest tree in the world.'

Reanna Smirked, 'let's go find out'.

The two of them went into the green underbrush and started looking for the Hyperion.
After five minutes of searching they finally found the tree and it was huge

'Apart from being taller', said reanna, 'the tree hasn't changed a bit. You thinkin what I'm thinking'.

Optimus chuckled, 'that you want a race to the top.'

'You know me to well'😏

'On the count of three', the prime said taking a stance', One...

'Two, Three, Go'!

Without any hesitation reanna flung herself onto the tree and started to climb. Optimus watched her surprised but then a small smile appeared on his face and he too began climbing. She hasn't changed one bit.
Dogs weren't the best climbers but reanna was an exception. Optimus was bigger so he climbed slower but still made good distance. Climbing a hyperion tree could take at least two to four hours but reanna reached the top in under thirty minutes. Once at the top she popped her head out of the tree's lush green leaves and gazed upon the small forest. Soon Optimus joined her. Reanna turned into her wolf form(the large one) so she could rest her head on the Prime's shoulder, Optimus wrapped his arm around her furry neck glad to have his best friend back.
After they got down from the tree they sat on their usual spot to watch the sunset.



THAT'S right after months I'm finally back. Sorry for the wait but i had a lot of things going on but here I am. Hope y'all are enjoying.
And just to stop any confusion about the hybrid's here's something you need to know.

Hybrid's have three forms.

One:their human form.

Two:Their hybrid form, where they transform into their respective animals but are human sized with their spy outfits and they have the option to stand on all fours or on two legs.

Third:Their animal form. In this form they are very big, big enough for a bit to ride on them but they can also grow much bigger if necessary.

Hopefully that made sense and some question are answered😁😉🙂😊

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