1) New arrivals

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"Good morning Pedri"
"Good morning beautiful"
I slowly sit up and give him a kiss on the cheek,
"How did you sleep?" I ask
"I slept great, what time is it?"
"8:30am on the dot"
"Oh we need to start getting ready then, the new arrivals on the team are coming to meet all of us at 10 at Camp Nou"
"Ok do you want to shower first?"
"No, you go first princess"
I hop in the shower, but all I can think about is the boy I saw playing on the 2nd team, I still don't know his name but Pedri and I went to watch them play against the 2nd real Madrid team. I just can't get him out of my head, and part of me is hoping he will be there as a new arrival so I can see him again. I quickly wash my hair and body and get out of the shower to let Pedri in,
"How do you still look so beautiful when you just got out of the shower?"
"Aw stop it, get in the shower you don't have much time"
He's so sweet to me, but a part of me just can't fully see a future with him. Our relationship is just so ordinary, he is almost always gone, but when he is here he tries his best to be around but it's just not the same as it used to be.
-phone rings-
-call from "daddy" ignored-
my dad is Xavi, the head coach of FCB. He's a bit strict especially with who I choose to date. I love my dad but he was the one that introduced Pedri to me, he really wants us to be together because he thinks he will treat me right.
"Hey y/n are you ready we have to leave now"
"Yes, i'll meet you outside!"
We get in the car and start driving over to the stadium. Every time I come by here it just seems more and more amazing. When we finally arrived to the parking lot I see Sira, Ferran Torres's girlfriend,
"Hey girl!" Sira yelled
Pedri and Ferran walk into the stadium together and Sira and I walk behind them. Sira and I have been friends for much longer than Pedri and Ferran have been on this team, we have been friends since we where 10. She agrees with my dad, and doesn't think I should stop trying with Pedri.
"How's everything going?" says Sira
"It's better but i'm still not completely sure, there's just something missing"
"I know, but don't be silly he is the perfect boyfriend, considering the fact that he's a professional athlete it's normal he's not always around."
"I guess your right, I just feel like everyone else is more in love with him than I am..." I whisper under my breath
We walk in the stadium and grab our seats right by the dugout. The stadium in filled with fans ready to see the new players coming to the team,  we have heard there is 3 coming from the FCB school, but we still don't know the names.

"Welcome fans, and welcome players! Today we are all here to celebrate these wonderful new additions that will help complete this new Era of Football Club Barcelona!" said Xavi I look over at Sira and a couple other of the girls that all look so e...

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"Welcome fans, and welcome players! Today we are all here to celebrate these wonderful new additions that will help complete this new Era of Football Club Barcelona!" said Xavi
I look over at Sira and a couple other of the girls that all look so excited to see the newbies
"first of all we have a boy coming straight from La Masia, Pablo Gavi that will be taking number 30 this season!"
The whole stadium was clapping and yelling as we walked up the stairs into the feild. I could not believe it, it's him.
We lock eyes and the world goes quiet.

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