16) Texting

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————————Gavi and y/n text————————

- Hey...

Yes Gavi? -

- Pedri told me you need somewhere to stay

Yeah? -

- Look y/n I am really sorry, again. I don't know how many times I am going to have to say that. You are staying at my house and I just don't want things to be awkward, there is no need for us to be like this. I am also not saying you have to forgive me, I just want to help you out. If you are open to talking we can talk when you get here. I am really excited to see you...

                                                            One question... -
- yes go for it

              Why do you suddenly want to talk to me -

- I have been trying to reach you for a while. But I assumed you weren't ready to talk.

                                                     You assumed right -

- I just want to let you know I am here for you and when you are ready we can talk.

                    Gavi I am only going to stay at your -
house because it's free and I won't
have to pay for a hotel room. Don't
think that this means we are good.

- Y/N i'll see you soon, and we will be talking
this out. I still have feelings for you, and they
are much stronger than whatever it is Clara
and I have

             so you are saying you do have something -
you just made this so much worse

- you know what I meant.

             Pedri deserves better than me  -

-Y/N you are amazing and Pedri is the luckiest man in the world

             the worst part about all of this is -
that I actually like you

- I love you
(read by Y/N)

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