4) POV

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——————————Pedri's POV—————————

I love waking up to her, she is so beautiful. I cant wait to get married to her someday. Something feels different lately, I try to be with her as much as I can but I am always busy, I can tell she notices it too. When we got home last night from the dinner everything felt normal for a second. She just looks so peaceful sleeping I don't ever want to wake her up. When she lays next to me all I can think about is our future and how perfect our relationship is. The day I met Y/N was the best day of my life. The day that changed everything. I had woken up late for my first practice and got lost trying to look for the field, but there she was. She introduced herself and lead the way back to the field where everyone else was. She was so sweet and innocent. I changed that tho. We had our first kiss the day FCB played Atletico de Madrid. What a game, I scored 2 goals and celebrated each one by looking at her and blowing her a kiss. This Game was very important as it was the supercopa semifinal. The confetti fell from the sky and she ran into my arms and we kissed for the first time. It was so magical. Ever since the day I met her I knew that she was the one for me.

——————————Gavi's POV—————————

I have always wanted to be a professional football player. I also have been a part of La Masia since I can remember, it was such an amazing experience where I met so many amazing people that have helped shape me into the person I am today. Although I never made many friends that where girls, I grew up with a sister. Aurora. She is such an inspiration to me. I cant wait to finally find the right girl for me. To most people that don't know me well I seem like a jerk, but when you actually get to know me you would see that i'm actually a good guy. I just don't know how to talk to girls, but I did see one girl. She was different to the girls I had seen before, she was perfect. I didn't talk to her the first time I saw her as she was in the stands with a boy I assumed was her boyfriend. Now I know who she is, and all of my assumptions where correct, even the boyfriend one... Sadly. Her name is Y/N, she is caring and smart and extremely hot. When I look at her I feel something, but there's only one problem, Pedri. During last nights dinner I couldn't help but be near her, I switched my name tag with Ter Stegen's to be infront of her. Even our legs where drawn to eachother, we played footsie all night and once I got home i couldn't sleep all night just thinking about her, and her beautiful long brown hair, delicate glossy lips, sparkling green eyes but she can't know that.

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