2) Pablo Gavi

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"Sira, that the guy. The one I have not been able to stop thinking about, since the game."
"Y/N, stop looking at him and look at Pedri he is trying to find you in the stands and you keep looking the other way"
I waved at Pedri and he blew me a kiss, but my eyes kept wanting to wander off to the other direction. Pablo Gavi. So that's his name. He is also looking at me a lot but as he does this he is also walking over to Pedri. My dad signals me over to come down to the field to meet them and I can't stop shaking. I walk over to the boys and stand next to Pedri. Gavi puts his hand out
"Pablo Gavi, nice to meet you"
"Y/N, nice to meet you too"
He holds my hand for a little longer than he should've and gives me a smile. I cant help but smile back but right as I did Sira come up behind me.
"Hey Y/N! Let's go talk to the girls"
"I have to go," I say looking at Gavi
I kiss Pedri on the cheek and quickly walk over to the girls. He was just so intriguing and something about his eyes makes me want to fall into his arms and never get back up. The girls tell me that there is a dinner planned for tonight after the boys practice. We are going to the restaurant down the street from the stadium, Pedri and Is favorite. I scan the field, and spot Gavi in the corner, looking at me so intensely I could feel his stare in the back of my head. How is it possible to be so drawn to a person you have barely met. When I had met Pedri it took multiple dates and people to finally get some kind of a connection. We want the same things in life but I can't help but think i want it with someone else.
"Y/N come over here!" said my dad
"Why did you ignore my call this morning?"
"Sorry dad I was getting in the shower and forgot to call you back"
"It's okay sweetie, Are you and Pedri coming to the dinner tonight?"
"Yes we will see you there!"
"Alright go have fun with your friends"
"See you later!"
I grab my purse and head over to the restroom. On the way there I hear footsteps coming from the stairs behind me. It was Gavi
"Hey Y/N, didn't mean to scare you" he says laughing
"Hey, it's fine! what are you doing here?"
"I just had a feeling that I needed to talk to you more, I'm just so drawn to you"
"I remember watching you play during that FBC-RM game. You where amazing" I say hoping he will remember me too
"Thanks, I remember seeing you too, and Pedri"
We talk for like twenty minutes and it just feels so natural like we had known eachother for years.
"Y/N! Where are you! It's time to go!" yells Pedri in the distance
Gavi comes close, so close I thought he was going to kiss me, but he turns his head and whispers
"See you tonight y/n"
After that he walked away as if nothing had happened. And shortly after Pedri walks down and sees me.
"There you are gorgeous, I was starting to get worried"
"I'm fine! just went to the restroom and talked to an old friend for a little on my way back!"
"Alright we'll let's leave cause I have a interview to do before practice tonight"
We walk off to the parking lot and get in the car.
As we drive through the beautiful streets of Barcelona, all I can think about is how I wouldn't of minded if he did kiss me. What am I going to do?

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