17) No matter what

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It's finally time for me to head over to Gavi's, the painters arrive but to make some time before I leave, Sira calls me and we get a drink at the bars. The call was very unexpected and she said she couldn't tell me why until we where together. I was very stressed but I tried to think about other things.

"Hey Sira!"
"hey babe."
"what's going on? why did you call me so urgently?"
"I saw something you might want to know about..." she says sighing

Sira hands me her phone to a article from the spanish press, the headline was


My heart drops. There is no picture, how do they know it's him? Who is this girl?

"Sira what the hell is this"
"Y/N, it's not completely verified we don't know if it's true, but all the girls are sending it to me"
"What the fuck is this"
"Don't worry i'm sure it's fake, they always make this shit up"

Suddenly Pedri calls me, I don't answer. I cry in Siras arms and get a few more drinks.

"I have to go"
"Y/N! you are so drunk I can't let you go alone"
"no leave me alone. I want to be alone" I announce to the whole bar

I walk over to Gavi's and knock on the door. Gavi opens the door and goes in for a hug. I swerve him as I keep crying until I reach the sink, where I grab a cup of water.

"long night?" Gavi asked

I walk to the bathroom passing right infront of him, with mascara dripping down my face. I can hear him sighing sadly as if he was upset I was ignoring him

He gets into his bed, the comfiest one in the whole house. After my shower I go into his room, still crying. And curl up into the other side of the bed.

"Y/N? I made the guest room bed for you."
"this one is comfier."
"what's wrong pretty girl"

I don't answer. He gets up and starts walking out

"i'll go sleep in the guest room."
"fucking Pedri cheated on me"
"what!"he says confused
"yeah."I say crying harder
"get up." he says firmly
"Gavi I cant. Plus i'm still mad at you."

Gavi comes close and grabs my hand, guiding me out the door of his home. We walk for a good 10 minutes

Until we reach the most beautiful beach in all of Barcelona

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Until we reach the most beautiful beach in all of Barcelona.

He grabs me and holds me tight as I cry into his sweatshirt

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He grabs me and holds me tight as I cry into his sweatshirt. He holds his hand on my head moving his thumb side to side moving my hair.

"You are so amazing I don't understand how anyone could ever do that" he says looking down at me

I suddenly feel so much better and smile up at him.

"wanna dance?" he asks
"Gavi there's no music and it's dark!"

Next thing I know i'm dancing in the middle of the beach at 5am with the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen until we start to see light.

He stops twirling me around and pulls me closer as the sun rises

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He stops twirling me around and pulls me closer as the sun rises.

"Do you forgive me?" he asks
"I don't know yet, you are going to have to make it up to me a bit more" I say smiling looking down
"that sounds fine, as long as I can spend more time with you."

We watch the sunrise and talk about Pedri and what happened, he has this ability of making me feel so safe even when talking about another boy. He is so thoughtful and sweet. Except when he does things like kiss Clara when he says he won't. But I should probably start forgiving him for that...

"Y/N... I just need to tell you something and get it off my chest"
"what's up?" I say intrigued
"Do you promise this won't change how you see me?"
"oh god Gavi just tell me"
"do you promise." he says firmly
"Yes Gavi i promise!"
"I have been in love with you for a very long time." he says
"what... I have only known you for like a year Gavi"
"true. but I knew you."
"what does that mean?"
"It means that every time you would be at the Camp Nou with your Dad I would always watch you from the stands and not be able to take my eyes off of you. Even when we where younger I always knew I was going to meet you. No one believed I could do it."
"Why didn't you just talk to me?"
"Because I just thought It was impossible for the couch of FCBs daughter to want to be with a boy from La Masia like me."
"Gavi I, I don't know what to say"
"I am sorry I didn't tell you before I just didn't want to complicate the situation anymore than I already have."

I look into his eyes and wrap my arms around him in a tight hug. He hugs me back and kisses my head as the sun rises behind us.

"you are almost as beautiful as this sunrise" he says laughing
-I punch his arm gently and laugh with him-
"i'm just kidding you are 100x more beautiful" he says
"Y/N, you know what?"
"what Gavi?"
"No matter what we do we are always going to gravitate towards each other and I think that this whole Pedri thing is just a sign. I have loved you since we where kids. Seeing you play with the rest of the teams children, you where so kind and gentle to everyone, the Masia kids, the camp nou janitors, even the fans that would come up to you. I was so amazed..."
"I just need to think this through, I am not in the right mindset to make any rushed decisions, I have to speak to Pedri first."

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