3) The dinner

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I wait in the room as Pedri finishes his interview. I am used to waiting but it gets tiering after a while. I curl my hair but as I do the back of my head I burn my neck with the hottest part of the iron
It hurts so bad, I grab some ice from the kitchen and put it against my neck but it's still turns red. How could I be so careless. I guess that's my karma for emotionally cheating on my perfect boyfriend. I always think, he's perfect but maybe he's not perfect for me. He finishes the interview and walks over to me sitting on the bed. I was watching my favorite show but I close my laptop on set it on the nightstand. He lays on the bed next to me and lays his head on my chest. If only out relationship was always this perfect. He stays laying on me for a while. I fall asleep and we stay like this until my phone rings again
-Phone rings-
I wake him up and pick up the phone. And as I do this I see the time. 2:40pm
"Pedri! Get up you have practice in 20 minutes"
He quickly gets up and kisses me.
"I'll see you later when we leave for dinner"
"See you!"
I call back my dad
"Hey dad sorry I was sleeping!"
"No problem just wanted to let you know we have a game on Tuesday and I need you to be there but you have to watch your sister, your mom will not be in town that day"
"Ok sounds good!"
- Call Ended -
I love my family, my little sister Eva and my little brother Luis.
I sit on the end of my bed and grab my book
Waiting for Pedri to come back always feels like an eternity. When I finally hear the door open I feel a sense of relief as I know that if it went on for any longer I would have had enough time to text Gavi, and most likely regretted it.
"Sorry I took so long traffic was awful"
"It's okay but we are going to be so late, you still need to get in the shower"
He looks so sweaty but he gets on the bed, lays on top of me and starts to tickle me
"Eww Gavi!! get off of me!" I said laughing so hard you could barely understand what I was saying
"what? no I said Pedri"
"Right, well i'm going to get in the shower now I wouldn't want us to be more late" he says getting serious.
"Shit" I whisper
Why did I say that. I finish getting ready and sit on the vanity doing my makeup. Pedri comes out of the bathroom in his suit and stands directly behind me. I tilt my head back to look at his face and he leans forward inches from my face and kisses my forehead.
"You look beautiful."
I smile and carry on putting on my mascara. He grabs the keys and we head over to the restaurant, the car ride was silent other than the occasional words we would say to eachother. But who could blame him after what I had said, he must be so confused. I try to make him forget about it by putting my hand on his thigh. To make sure he knew I was still thinking about him. When we got to the restaurant and left the car at the valet, he lent me his jacket as it was cold and opened the door to the restaurant for me. When we got the the special room the club had reserved for the diner we all pick spots. I was sitting next to Pedri and Sira but Gavi was right infront of me. When Pedri and I got there we where the last to arrive.
"Sorry we where late everyone, traffic was bad."
"Don't worry we wouldn't have started without you" said Sira
"I had to rush getting ready so much I barely had time to do my hair!" I told Sira laughing.
Suddenly I feel something brush my leg. I pretended to drop my fork under the table to see what it was. But Gavi did too. I ducked my head under the table
"for not having too much time to get ready you still look very hot to me, also what's that on your neck I don't remember giving you a hickey" Whispers Gavi
I do not say anything back but on my way back up to the surface, I hit my head on the table
Gavi started laughing at me.
Sira and I go to the bathroom to take some pictures for instagram, but I remain silent and act like nothing happened.

 Sira and I go to the bathroom to take some pictures for instagram, but I remain silent and act like nothing happened

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(posted on instagram by Y/N)

When we got back Gavi's leg slipped in between mine and he leaves it there for the whole dinner giving me occasional eye contact that I was so desperately hoping for. It's like whenever we lock eyes everything goes away and all I see is him.
"you ready to go?" says Pedri,
I didn't even realize that I had barely spoken a word to him all night because I was too busy playing footsie with Gavi. What kind of girlfriend am I? I grab his hand and we walk outside. While waiting at the valet I rest my head on his shoulder and we stare into the beautiful barcelona sky.
But once again I cant stop thinking about one thing. Gavi

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