13) Space

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We walk in the house. When we where about 2 blocks away they switched off all the lights in the house and turned the music to the setting where you can only hear it outside. As we step in all the guests pop out from behind the decorations and scream
"happy birthday Clara!!"
Clara's face lights up as all the music and lights get turned on.
"this is too much!! I love you all, thank you!!"
Clara Sira and I run up stairs and get changed as the guests wait downstairs. Once we finished it was time for Clara to reveal her outfit to the crazy amount of people that have come to celebrate her. Every one waits by the bottom of the stairs as we start to walk down.

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(posted on instagram stories with caption "we look so good we had to stop in the middle of the stairs to get a pic")

Everyone claps and takes pictures of the birthday girl. Gavi on the other hand is looking at me. I mouth to him
"stop looking at me and come walk her down!"
he reads my lips and walks up the stairs to meet her before taking her last couple of steps down. He offers to take my hand but I simply act like I didn't see and walk down to Pedri.
"You look so gorgeous" Pedri said whispering in my ear
I kiss his cheek and I run upstairs quickly to change my dress into something more comfortable. I come back down and we move to the dance floor. Everyone is dancing and Pedri and I are in the middle of it all.

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(posted on instagram stories with caption "💗dress change💗")

I scan the room trying to spot Gavi and I see him in the corner with Clara. They are dancing and getting really close. For some reason I suddenly started to feel jealous and I just can't see him with her. Getting so close to her, with his hands on HER hips. I try to switch positions with Pedri and face the other way.
"Check it out Y/N! Gavi and Clara are making out!"
"What?!!" I turn around and see them...
What the hell was he doing. He said he wasn't going to kiss her. I turn around again.
"I'm going to run to the bathroom really fast..."
I run to the bedrooms to get away from it and just sit on my bed. I look through Gavi and Is texts. There's so many "good night gorgeous" and "I only have eyes for you" and even "I wish you where here". I cant believe him. I can't help but cry and a tear drops onto my chest. The tear runs all the way down the space in between the dress. Gavi is the only person I feel jealous about, seeing him kiss Clara again is making me so mad I don't think I can't go back down there. As I was wiping my tears off my face Sira walks into the room.
"Girl where have you been Pedri has been looking all over for you- I, are you okay? what's wrong?"
"I'm fine I just needed a breather..." I said leaving my phone open and on Gavi and Is chat on purpose. I leave the room and leave the phone for her to read. I am too ashamed to say it out loud. I wait by the door as she reads them.
"I know it's bad but I can't help what I feel." I said trying to stop her from thinking I am a bad person.
" Y/N, this is really fucked up"
"Sira I know and if it makes it any better I am trying to get over him. He just kissed Clara again. After he promised me he wouldn't"
"Aw Y/N. it's okay don't worry I know you can't help it and as long as you are not hurting Clara I support this. Just please don't let it go on too long. This situation is bad for all four of you."
"I know, I know"
After we finished talking Sira and I walked downstairs.

(posted on instagram stories with caption "best night!")

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(posted on instagram stories with caption "best night!")

I see Gavi and He is not with Clara. I suddenly get a text.

———————New Message from Gavi——————

- You look like a fucking model in that dress

I leave him on read and he looks at me as I close my phone and run back upstairs. This time he follows me.
"What's wrong Y/N? It was just a compliment."
"Right like that was just a kiss you had with Clara, right?"
"Oh you saw that..."
"Yes I did and I want you to know that if you like her. It's fine. I just don't want you to keep hurting me. We have known each other for a while now and I don't think it's fair that all four of us are getting hurt. I just think I need space from you."
"Y/N don't say that. I want you. And I thought you knew that. I know I promised that I wouldn't but it just happened... She went in for it, and I couldn't stop it. It's her birthday and I didn't want to embarrass her infront of all her guests. Do you think it's easy for me to see you and Pedri? It's not. But I never say anything even when I see you kiss him, or blush when he talks to you. I cant believe you don't think about the fact that we are in the same situation. I don't want to have space from you. I actually want the opposite, I want you in my space." He says as he grabs my hips trying to get me to forgive him
"Look Gavi, that might work on every other girl you deal with. But it's not going to work with me. You started this relationship with Clara after you met me, I have been with Pedri for a long time. It's different. I need space"

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