When do we go?

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It was few years after the jabberwalk game the miracle gen started to get together more often to play basketball. At one point they ended up playing at a court near kagamis house. Everyone was breaking while kagami and aomine started to do one on ones.
"Don't get into the zone you two! It's hot and you will pass out!" Akashi yelled at the two tall men playing hard.
"Yea yea it's not like I'll need it tiger can't beat me anyway!" Aomine said with a smirk on his face the ball in his hand.
"Oh we sure?" Kagami smiled before stealing the ball going on a fast break and doing a meteor jam.
"I still forget that kagamichi has learned to do a meteor jam outside of the zone.." kise said as he took a swig of water.
"I kinda forgot to he has gotten a lot stronger" kuroko said popping up behind kise as kise jumped.
"Beat ya!" Kagami Said as aomine grumbled
"Nah I'm tired ima take a break real quick aye kuroko! Toss me a water!" Kagami called out as he took off his shirt and caught the water. "It's so hot!"
Aomine sat there mesmerized as he stared at the red heads well built body. Luckily for aomine his tan skin covered his blush.
"Ughh no funn but fine hey Satsuki get me a water to!" Aomine said as he acted normal jogging over to were everyone was sitting.
"I swear aominechi you and kagamichi are Basketball idiots that's all that rolls around in your brains!" Kise complained.
"In a way it's admirable, you both have unbelievable drive for the sport and are more than likely to go pro" Midorima said pushing up his glasses.
"Uhhh thanks I guess?" The bluenette and the red head said in unicine.
"You guys are basically the same person" kuroko said as he sat down.
"Is that why bakagami is your new light kuroko does he remind you of me?" Aomine said teasingly.
"We met the same, well I chose him as my light the same, you both gave me a burger at maji burger with a huge tray of burgers." Kuroko said with a smile
"YOU GO TO MAJI BURGER?" the two males screamed at eachother pointing at one another.
"You guys need to calm down, I wanna go home it's hot" murisakibara complained as everyone agreed.
"Well my apartment is near by if y'all just wanna go there." Kagami said pointing in the direction of his apartment.
"OO YAY WE GET TO GO TO KAGAMICHIS HOUSE AGAIN!" Kise yelled in excitement
"Not if your so loud like that!" Kagami yelled back. Everyone chuckled as kagami led the way to the apartment. He opened the door as everyone went to the living room and plopped down on the sofa.
"You know what we need to do?... we need to go camping or something you know as a group! In honor of Taiga kagami pulling us together again!" Kise said happily.
"I don't think I caused you guys to become friends again" kagami said rubbing the back of his head embarrassed.
"Oh no tiger you totally did but yea camping would be nice" aomine said as he grabbed the remote and scrolled through tv channels.
"Oo oo! When should we go I can pay for it!!" Kise said as he looked to aomine.
"You guys are planning this all now? How foolish." Midorima said as he pushed up his glasses.
"It sounds like midorimachi wants to pay for the trip!" Kise said teasingly.
"NO!.... I meant no I do not want to pay for this trip"
The group chuckled before Akashi spoke.
"Well summer is almost over and time is passing I suggest we go soon before kagami and aomine go to America and join the NBA" Akashi spoke with a soft smile
"Hey! I Said i was thinking about it alright? I mean I would to aleast like to have a partner before I start the NBA!" Kagami snapped.
"Why not aominechi ? I mean aominechi is the only other single one in this group" kise said with a devilish grin as aomine blushed and burried his head in his arms. Kagami looked surprised as he glanced to aomine then back to kise not saying a word.
"I mean your not saying no.. your couple name should be aokaga!!" Kise Said still teasing.
"Kise shut up" aomine mumbled from his head in his arms.
"What? I didn't quite get that" kise said pulling out his phone ready to take a picture of blushing aomine.
"I SAID SHUT U-" aomine lifted his head and realized kise snapped a photo.
"Hey kagamichi look at the photo I g-" kise was about to finish his sentence and show kagami before Akashi came to the rescue.
"Let's get back to planning Ryota." Akashi said as aomine mouthed 'thank you' to Akashi.
"Hmm let's go in august didn't kagami say he was a Leo? He could spend his birthday there with us and playing basketball!!" Kagami smiled brightly feeling appreciated as aomine just stared at the red head next to him on the couch mesmerized by his smile.
'He's so cute' aomine thought to himself.
"Hey you guys mido-chin texted me I gotta go" murisakibara said picking up his snacks before he waved bye to the others walking out the door.
"Well ok, bye the way if any of you needa stay over you can" kagami said as he looked to the others.
"I'll stay here tiger I got nothin better to do" aomine yawned.
"So the trip is set in august on the week of your birthday kagami it's still about a month away but just to let everyone know" Akashi said "I must go home to furihata is probably worried about me"
"Yea I gotta go to kastamatsu will kill me if I don't get home soon" kise added
"Me and momoi could stay but we should head home to see y'all next time we come out to the courts!"
"Yea see ya guys" kagami said as all of them left leaving kagami and aomine alone.
"So wanna watch a movie?" Kagami said turning to aomine.
"Oh uh sure"
As they watched the movie aomine slowly dozed off and his head fell onto kagamis shoulder. Kagami (being stupied) didn't blush or react because he just thought it was a accident,so he turned off the movie and layed aomine down on the sofa with a blanket and a pillow. Kagami smiled a bit at sleeping aomine as he began to stare for a little getting lost in his thoughts.
'Why is he kinda cute....NO no! He is your biggest rival! But kise IS right me and him are the only two single guys and we have a lot in common...FUCK! NO he just sees me as a rival and that's how ima see him' as kagami kept thinking and staring at aomine he didn't notice the bluenette open his eyes.
"Kagami?" A low husky voice finally spoke. As kagami snapped out of his thoughts
"Oh aomine.. I thought you were asleep"
"Well I was, but then I didn't feel a warm presence beside me and it woke me up" as aomine said that kagamis Face got hot.
'Why is my face hot? Am I blushing??' Kagami thought.
"Bakagami are you blushing" the bluenette grinned at the blushing red headed male as he got up and walked to him.
"I'm not blushing-" kagami said rubbing the back of his neck obviously blushing.
"You rub the back of your neck when you are embarrassed kagami..." aomine Said as he smiled. "If you wanna kiss me just say it bakagami" aomine grinned as he lifted kagamis chin. The red heads body began to get hot as his face turned as red as his hair.
"I don't wanna..." kagami said turning his head obviously lying.
"Alright then I'll be going to sleep now goodnight tiger" aomine smiled as he dropped kagamis chin and went back to the couch and snuggled under the blanket falling asleep quickly. Kagami stood there dumbfounded as he began to make his way to his room. He tucked himself into bed but couldn't stop thinking about what aomine just did. and the things kise said about them it corrupted his head before he finally fell asleep.

The generation of miracles go on a camping trip!Where stories live. Discover now