We arrived!

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The bus came to a hard stop as everyone fell forward. Kagami fell onto aomine as they both opened their eyes.
"Oh my somebody wants me" aomine whispered to kagami with a smile. Kagami turned red as he sat up and mumbled.
"Shut up aomine" as aomine was about to respond they heard a voice from the front.
"Sorry boys that was a hard stop! We are here!" The driver called as kise jumped up.
"Cmon everyone let's go!" Kise said as he opened the door and took a deep breath taking in the view. Kuroko followed behind in awe.
"This scenery is amazing kise" kuroko Said stepping out of the bus.
"I know! I made sure no one else would camp here so we are here alone!" Kise smiled. "We have a waterfall and everything all to ourselves and what's even better is there is a basketball court within walking distance!"
As everyone stepped out of the bus they were all amazed by the view. Everyone unpacked and set up tents as the all sat around and discussed roommates "one tent will have 3 and the rest will have 2 because momoi will get a tent to herself" Akashi said as he finished counting everyone.
"Tetsu can just room with me it will be ok!" Momoi said as she hugged kuroko.
"Well alright everyone else draw names out of a hat."
"I hope I get kagamichi!" Kise Said happily as he stuck his hand into the hat. Aomine slightly frowned as he narrowed his eyes at kise.
"Oh I got murisakibarachi!" Kise Said as he looked to murisakibara.
"Ah cool just don't take my snacks" murisakibara said as he went to a tent kise followed.
"I will go I guess" Midorima said reaching into the hat. "Akashi I'm rooming with you" midorima said showing the paper. Akashi nodded as he walked to a tent midorima followed.
"I guess it's me and you tiger" aomine smiled at his boyfriend as they went to the last open tent. Right as they got it aomine zipped up the tent and began to kiss kagami. Kagami opened his mouth as the two men began to taste one another kagamis fingers knotting into aomines hair. Kagami pulled back with a smile.
"We shouldn't they might catch us before we announce it"
"Your right" aomine said letting go of kagami. "When are we going to announce it?"
"Hmm... on my birthday! Which is tomorrow" kagami smiled as aomine nodded taking kagamis Hand and kissing it. The two males left the tent as aomine grabbed the ball and tossed it to kagami.
"Cmon everyone lets go play basketball!" Aomine yelled as everyone came out of their tents.
"Sounds good! Follow me!" Kise announced as he began to walk in a direction everyone followed. They got to the courts as they all goofed around and played.
"Kagamichi! Tomorrow is your birthday!!!" Kise said jumping up and down infront of kagami Who was getting water.
"What? Oh yea I know" kagami shrugged.
"Who is gonna be your birthday kiss?" Kise smiled as he looked to aomine then back to kagami. "Bet it will be aomine" aomine looked at kise pissed as kise smiled.
"Let's not kise..we remembered what happened on the bus and this time ima get mad" kagami said as he cracked his knuckles and kise shivered.
"Yea yea ok.." kise crossed his arms as he went to sit down.
"Hey we should have a fire tonight and have some s'mores!" Momoi smiled breaking the awkward silence.
"That would be nice" midorima said as Akashi nodded his head.
"As long as Theres a lot of it" murisakibara said finishing a bag of chips. Kises face lit up again as he jumped up.
"Alright then let's go!"
Everyone got up and followed kise as aomine pulled kagami to the back of the pack. The bluenette then pulled kagami by the waist into a quick kiss before running ahead next to kuroko. Kagami stood there stunned as he turned red with a smile.
"That bastard" kagami smiled as aomine looked back and winked at kagami. Kuroko looked at aomine then kagami and smiled.
"You two are really made for eachother" kuroko smiled looking to aomine.
"Wha? Oh, thanks tetsu" aomine Said as he rubbed the back of his head.
"You even act the same when your embarrassed! Aww how sweet!" Momoi smiled peeking out from beside kuroko. Aomine blushed as he then smiled.
"Yea I guess"
"Who is aomine made for?" Kise Said with a sly smile as he looked at kuroko and momoi.
"His boyfriend he got one before we left" kuroko said calmly as aomine looked nervous.
"Oh is it kagamichi?"
"No- he doesn't even have kagamis number" momoi added in covering for aomine.
"Oh, I didn't know that.." kise said as he looked to aomine then shrugged and turned back around. Aomine took a sigh of relief as he smiled to kuroko and momoi.
"Thanks" aomine whispered. They got to the campsite as they set up  kagami went and sat on a ledge out looking the waterfall.
"Hey tiger whatcha doin?" Aomine said as he asked as he sat next to kagami.
"I'm just admiring the beauty" kagami smiled.
"Beauty of me?" Aomine teased.
"No! I already did that" kagami giggled as he punched aomine in the arm playfully. Kagami took a breath as he smiled the bluenette just looked at his boyfriend mesmerized by his smile.
"Your so cute" aomine smiled making kagami blush.
"You keep complimenting me out of no where aomine" kagami Said as his hand held the bluenettes.
"Can I not compliment my boyfriend?"aomine smiled as he picked up kagamis hand kissing it. Kagami blushed as he smiled.
"I love you"
"I love you too" aomine smiled as kuroko popped up.
"That was sweet" kuroko smiled at the two males as they both jumped quickly scooting away from eachother. "Don't worry it's just me I'm just here to ask kagami to help us get the fire started.. nobody knows how-"
"Oh kuroko- yea I can help" kagami smiled as he kissed aomine on the cheek and got up and followed kuroko. Aomine smiled happily as he thought to himself. 'How did I get so lucky? I never thought I would be with him.. I finally got what I wished for' aomine smiled as he thought.
"Dai-Chan?" Momoi said as she took a seat next to aomine.
"Oh! Hey Satsuki"
"What are you thinking about? It must be good your smiling!" Momoi smiled.
"Oh I was thinking about how lucky I am.. I've been wanting to get with kagami since the winter cup in highschool and I finally got that wish" aomine smiled.
"That's, that's so sweet" momoi smiled as she started to tear up.
"Woah woah! Did I touch a nerve? I'm sorry!" Aomine freaked out seeing momoi tear up.
"No no you didn't it's just great to see you smile again.. your smile faded after middle school..but kagami brought it back he really changed all of our lives for the better" momoi smiled as she looked into the distance.
"Yea, hey we should go back cmon Satsuki" aomine smiled getting up and holding out his hand to his best friend. Momoi smiled and took aomines hand as he helped her stand and they walked back to camp. As they got back the fire was started and everyone was toasting a marshmallow.
"Come join us aominechi and momoichi!" Kise smiled as the two grabbed their own marshmallows and began to toast them. "Can I bring out the alcohol now?" Kise smiled.
"Fine but only a few drinks" Akashi stated.
"I don't want to so I'll keep and eye on everyone." Midorima said pushing up his glasses as kise came back with a bottle and poured himself a big glass. While everyone else only had one or two drinks kise got drunk as he began to slurr his words.
"Kagamichiiii did I every tell you that I'm Polly? And! And! You are soooooooo hot" kise Said slurring his words as aomine looked pissed at kise shooting a glare.
"What?" Kagami gripped his drink getting uncomfortable.
"Yea!!! Your sooooo hot and after that one on one you beat me in I fell even more in love!" Kise slurred as he smiled tapping at his lip aomine was about to get up as kuroko pulled aomines arm making him sit.
"I'm good kise thanks..." kagami Said as he scooted away from kise still feeling uncomfortable. Midorima noticed kagami was uncomfy so he walked over and sat inbetween kise and kagami.
"Kise stop drinking" midorima demanded as he took kises drink. "You are making others uncomfortable"
"Don't ruin the fun midorimachi!!" Kise slurred as he reached for his drink.
"Murisakibara please take kise to his tent" Akashi said as the purple haired giant nodded and grabbed kise taking him to his tent.
"I think we should all be heading to bed infact" midorima said as he used kises drink to put out the fire.
"Agreed" Akashi said as he stood up and went to his tent. Everyone then went to their tents and as aomine and kagami got into theirs aomine immediately hugged kagami.
"Are you ok?" Aomine Said as he looked worried at the red headed male.
"I'm ok aomine kise Just made me a Little uncomfy thats all" kagami Said as he put his hand to aomines cheek.
"Thank god, I'm sorry he did that" aomine leaned into kagamis Hand holding it to his face.
"It's ok, I have you that's all that matters now let's head to bed" kagami smiled as he got up climbing into the cot as aomine layed down beside him.
"Goodnight my love" kagami smiled
"Goodnight my tiger" aomine smiled back as he pulled kagami in by the waist cuddling him as they both fell asleep.

The generation of miracles go on a camping trip!Where stories live. Discover now