Last game before trip

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They all went down to the courts as kise smiled.
"This is our last game before we go on the trip!"
"Oh wow I guess your right- speaking of which I want to tell you all somthing" kagami Said rubbing the back of his head.

"What are you and aominechi finally together?" Kise Said with a smile as kagami blushed.
"No kise we aren't stop bringing it up" aomine Said ever so casually.

"It's something more serious," kagami sighed as he took a breath the miracle gen looking at him. "After this trip, I-i am going to the NBA...." Kagami said as he looked up to his friends worried for their reaction.
"YAYYYY!!!" Kise yelled as he ran to kagami and tackled him onto the ground. "TOOK YA LONG ENOUGH!" Kise laughed. Akashi looked surprised then smiled.

"I bugged you about it and you finally decided to go." Akashi said as he helped kagami up. "What about you aomine? Are you going aswell?"
"Planning on it" aomine Said with a sweet smile.
"Ah crap, well that means we aren't gonna see you guys after you leave" murisakibara said ruining the mood as momoi looked at aomine.
"Dai-Chan...please tell me your gonna be ok" momoi said tearing up.
"Satsuki I'll be ok I promise I'll come back for holidays and so will bakagami" aomine Said hugging his childhood bestfriend.
"Kuroko, I'll miss you" kagami Said with a smile.
"Your not leaving just yet and besides I'll always be your shadow.. I'm still aomines to although aomine refuses believe it." Kuroko said tearing up as he hugged kagami. "You better come back for holidays" kuroko Said as kagami started to tear up aswell and hugged kuroko back. "Always"
"Alright let's stop moping around! Midorimachi is looking uncomfortable" kise Said as he smiled to midorima.

"Hey! I'm not uncomfortable I just can't believe the two guys who are the most idiotic are the ones going pro" midorima Said as aomine and kagami looked angry before midorima smiled.
"AWWWW MIDORIMACHI SMILED!!! HE NEVER SMILESSS!!!!" Kise Said as he ran over to midorima yanking the tall male into a hug. Everyone laughed as midorima tried to pry kise from him.

"Alright let's play!" Kagami Said as he picked up the ball with a big smile. They began to play as they all laughed smiled and just goofed around. It came down to a one on one again between aomine and kagami but this time kagami had the ball.
"Oh I wish how I could take those sweat pants off you" aomine Said with a smile as kagami blushed and froze. Just as aomine started to try and steal the ball kagami smiled and whispered in aomines ear as he passed him.

"Maybe I can take them off for you" kagami passed aomine as he ran to the basket and dunked. Aomine began to blush hard as hell as he stood frozen his body was hot as he smiled.
"Oh you hot bitch" aomine Said as he ran over to kagami with a smile. They all played for a little longer before everyone eventually went home but aomine followed kagami to his apartment with a smile on his face.

The generation of miracles go on a camping trip!Where stories live. Discover now