He loves me he loves me not

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They headed down to courts as they split up into teams and began to play. Everytime aomine and kagami went one on one nobody knew who would win sometimes aomine sometimes kagami and the two males kept count on who was winning. The day faded into evening as it was the final show down between the aces. Kagami was about to steal the ball before aomine said something.
"That shirtless pic you sent me. Oh my god it was so hot" aomine said with a smirk as kagami froze and turned red 'so he DID see it and he called me hot? Does he like me?' Kagami got lost in his thoughts as aomine passed him.
"FUCK!" Kagami ran back as he tried to jump to stop aomine but aomine already dunked.
"What's up with ya tiger? Getting to hot slow poke?" Aomine smiled as kagami gave aomine the look of *do you know what you said?*
"Quit lookin at me like that" aomine stuck his tounge out and walked to go get water.
"Yea kagamichi what is up with you it wasn't like you to just let him pass by you like it was nothing" kise ran over as he put his hand on kagamis shoulder. Kagami was still looking at aomine confused as aomine saw kise with his hand on kagamis shoulder as he got a look of jealousy. 'Why the hell does he look jealous??? He just insulted me!' Kagami thought before he turned to kise brushing off kises hand.
"Yea I'm alright I just thought I heard somthin." Kagami Said as he went to go get water.
"Well alright.. you go take a break hey aominechi! Come one on one with me!" Kise yelled to aomine.
"Nah I've kicked your butt to many times."
"Oh so your only gonna one on one with your boyfriend?" Kise responded teasingly as kagami turned around looking slightly pissed.
"I'll one on one with you kise..." kagami Said as he cracked his knuckles and neck and walked over to kise. 'Holy shit that was hot...' aomine thought as he watched kagami walk over to kise.
"Alright alright calm down tiger" kise Said with a smirk.
"Hey! No I only call him tiger you can call him tiger when you beat him!" Aomine yelled looking jealous.
"Alright then, kagamichi prepare for me to call you tiger playing till 10" kise smiled as he began to dribble the ball. Kise then copied aomine doing one of his moves as kagami stopped him and went on a fast break and did a meteor jam.
"How dumb are you to copy the move of my greatest rival that I've done one v ones on for longer than we have all played together you must underestimate me and I'm going to make you regret it" kagami Said with a sly smile. Aomine stared at kagamis sly smile as he blushed a little never seeing kagami smile like that.
"Well poo guess I can't copy your boyfriends moves" kise Said tormenting kagami.
"I'm not gonna tell you again" kagami said as he began to dribble the ball "we aren't dating!" Kagami ran past kise in a fast break and jumped back into a fade away shooting a 3.
"Wha...." Kise sat stunned. "I- i thought 3 pointers were your weakness!!"
"You gotta strengthen your weakness to win kise" kagami Said with a smile. Kagami eventually came out the victor as he walked to go get water.
"Dammit! One more time!" Kise yelled back at kagami.
"Your begging kagami like you begged me back in middle school." Aomine Said with a smile.
"He's gotten so much better! It's like he knows everyone here's moves!" Kise Said exited
"Well I did. play against y'all and a bunch more times.. has no one else here gotten used to my moves like aomine has?" Kagami Said as the rest of the miracle gen looked dumbfounded.
"Yea no- only ones that memorize their opponents moves are you and aomine." Murisakibara Said as he munched on snacks. As everyone headed out kagami continued to play as he tried to get aomine and everything he said out of his head.
"Dammit does he love me or does he love me not?" Kagami Said holding the ball as his phone went off. He jogged over to his phone as he noticed a text from aomine saying "Jesus Christ I can't stop thinking about you in this photo I wish I could have saw it in person" kagami turned red as he put down his phone and a smile came across his face
"So he does like me!" Kagami said as he picked up his things and ran into his apartment. Kagami got bored sitting at home so he texted aomine "hey wanna come over?" He waited for aomine to reply as he flipped through channels his phone went off.
"Nah, I'll come over tomorrow and we can do one on ones" kagami frowned as he texted back. "Tomorrow I have to pack for when we go camping ahomine" aomine saw his phone go off as he picked it up and read the message.
"Oh right not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow we are leaving" aomine Said as he stuck out his tongue texting back "oh well then see you when we leave" kagami looked at his phone as he got mad and threw it on the sofa.
"This dude needs to make up his damn mind! Does he love me or does he not!!!"

The generation of miracles go on a camping trip!Where stories live. Discover now