Kagamis birthday

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Kagami woke up with a groan as usual a tan pair of hands were around his waist. He smiled at aomine as he ruffled the bluenettes hair.
"Kagamichi! Wake up!! We have gifts for you!!!" Kise yelled from outside the tent. Aomine groaned a He woke up sleepily sitting up in bed.
"Be right out!" Kagami yelled as he kissed aomine on the cheek before exiting the tent.
"You guys didn't have to.." kagami said rubbing the back of his neck.
"But we did" kuroko smiled as him and momoi handed their gifts to kagami. Kagami unwrapped it as it showed a picture of serine and the generation of miracles. Kagami smiled at the photo as he hugged momoi and kuroko both.
"Thank you this means a lot" kuroko and momoi smiled as kagami opened the rest of the gifts.
From Akashi:new basketball
From midorima: his lucky item
From murisakibara: bag of snacks
From kise: basketball shoes (kagamis size)
"Thank you all so much for the gifts" kagami smiled happily as he looked to the waterfall. "Who wants to go swimming?" Kagami smiled as everyone agreed going to their tents to change into their swim suits. As kagami was changing aomine pulled out a box with a smile.
"I know it isn't wrapped but here's my present" aomine smiled as he handed the box to kagami. Kagami opened the box and saw it was a tiger bracelet. Kagami smiled as he looked to aomine.
"I've got a panther one and on the back it has our initials!" Aomine said as he showed his wrist to his boyfriend. Kagami smiled as he kissed aomine as he pulled back.
"I love it today we tell everyone the news!" Kagami smiled.
"What that I have the best boyfriend in the world?" Aomine smiled as he kissed kagami once more before pulling away and getting dressed into his swim suit.
"Christ you look hot kagami" aomine smiled as he looked at his boyfriend in his swimsuit as kagami blushed then shook his head.
"Well you look hot to" kagami smiled as he bit his lip.
"Let's go before I take those swim trunks off of you" aomine smiled slyly as he grabbed kagamis Hand and walked out of the tent kagami a blushing mess.
"We ready?" Kise asked with a smile.
"Let's go!" Kagami said happily as he ran to the waterfall. "Cannon ball!!!" Kagami yelled jumping into the water as he resurfaced and waved at everyone.
"Oh sweet sweet innocent kagami that isn't a cannonball THIS IS!" Aomine yelled as he jumped into the water making a bigger splash. Everyone jumped in as murisakibara sat at the top looking down.
"What is it? afraid of heights?" Aomine teased to the purple giant.
"No you douche snarl" murisakibara mumbled before he backed up then jumped into the water creating a splash so big it made a wave as everyone resurfaced murisakibara had a smile.
"Well..murisakibara won the splash contest..." aomine said bluntly.
"That's fine!! Let's play some games!" Kise smiled.
The boys played games like Marco Polo and sharks and minnows as they were finishing off the day under the waterfall.
"Ohhhh this feels great on my back" kagami said as he was under the waterfall relaxing.
"I agree" aomine smiled
"It's getting to evening... every let's head back and have a fire again without alcohol" Akashi said as everyone got out of the water and began to dry off. They all headed back to the campsite as they set their towels down and kagami started a fire.
"And done!" Kagami smiled as he looked over seeing murisakibara walking to him with a cake as everyone began to sing happy birthday. Kagami covered his mouth with his hands as he slightly teared up as he smiled brightly.
"Kagami you have all changed our lives for the better now make your wish and let's dig in to some cake!" Kuroko said happily. Kagami blew out the candles as he smiled. Everyone got their piece of cake as kise sat next to kagami. Kagami ate the cake not thinking anything about it before kise spoke.
"You know.. kagami you never got your birthday kiss!" Kise said as he smiled devilishly.
"Oh yea speaking of which I have to announce some-" kagamis words were cut off by kise yanking kagami and kissing him as kagami pulled away falling onto the ground.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Kagami yelled covering his mouth.
"I'm Polly and you got your birthday kiss kagamichi!" Kise smiled. Aomine stood up looking pissed as he walked over to kise and pushed him back as kuroko helped kagami up.
"Don't fucking kiss him" aomine scowled.
"And what's it to you? You have a boyfriend don't you and it's not kagami!" Kise Said getting in aomines Face.
"IT IS HIM YOU BITCH!" Aomine yelled at kise as everyone looked stunned and kise looked surprised and looked to kuroko and momoi
"You said he-.."
"Hey you two stop!" Akashi demanded at the two males.
"YOU CAN PAY FOR YOUR HOSPITAL BILL BITCH!" Aomine yelled as he punched kise in the face as kise tackled aomine as a fight broke out. Aomine was on top of kise punching kise as kise tried to cover his face while also trying to punch back. He then knocked aomine off of him as he punched aomine. Aomine then shoved kise knocking him over the log they were sitting on and then began to punch kise again before murisakibara picked aomine up.
"LET ME GO! IM GONNA KICK HIS ASS!" Aomine screamed as he squirmed in murisakibaras grip. Kise got up as he was about to punch aomine before Akashi grabbed him.
"Both of you quit it! NOW" Akashi yelled as everyone stopped. "Is this how your going to treat kagami on his birthday? AND this is a trip for all of us to get along! Not for you to argue! And Ryota that kiss you gave kagami was unessacary and aomine there was no need to start a fight! Now both of you to your tents!" Akashi screamed at the two as they both reluctantly went to their tents kagami following behind aomine. Aomine had a busted lip and a black eye while kise had a bleeding nose and bruises all over his arms and legs and his face.
"Aomine are you ok?" Kagami said as he grabbed his boyfriend by the shoulders and looked into his blue eyes.
"Yea I'm fine.. that bastard just makes my blood boil and when he kissed you I couldn't take it anymore" aomine said angry whiping his lip. Midorima came into the tent as he looked to aomine.
"I'm here to help you here is a ice pack and a bandage now if you will exuse me I have to go take care of the more beaten up one of you both" midorima said setting down the stuff and leaving again. Kagami then hugged aomine tightly as he teared up.
"Please don't fight again I beg you"
Aomine looked surprised as kagami being so worried as he then looked guilty.
"I'm sorry and I won't" aomine said as he kissed kagami. Kagami pulled from the kiss with a smile as he grabbed aomines hand leading up outside the tent again and to the group kise was already sitting down.
"I'm sorry I caused a fight and kise I'm sorry I hit you.. SO many times" aomine smiled as kise scowled before momoi elbowed him.
"Oh yea sorry for that stuff-" kise mumbled.
"Now that we have all calmed down.. I heard that you wanted to announce something kagami?" Kuroko smiled to kagami as kagami nodded as he got infront of the group.
"As you know I'm going to the NBA and if you remembered I said I wasn't going until I get a partner.. well as mentioned in the fight.. aomine and I have been dating a few days before we left and we decided to announce it here" kagami smiled as he grabbed aomines hand pulling him to his feet and giving him a kiss. Aomine blushed as he rubbed the back of his head looking at his friends their jaws dropped to the floor as kise smiled.
"My match making skills were correct! And if you guys were dating before this trip.. why the hell did aomine yell at me so aggressively that you guys weren't dating?" Kise said staring at the two.
"Well he wasn't happy because you were flirting with me and that pent up anger made him scream at you.. if you didn't notice that's why I looked upset and by the way kuroko and momoi Found out before all of you kuroko before we got onto the bus and momoi while we were on the bus" kagami said as he looked to kuroko and momoi Who didn't seem surprised they were just smiling while kise grumbled.
"Oh! And me and aomine decided what team we are gonna try and play for! The Chicago bulls!" Kagami smiled. Akashi smiled at the two as he commented.
"You both belong with eachother I'm glad you both found happiness"
"Indeed" midorima added.
"Yea now you guys can go sight seeing with me and mido-chin on a double date" murisakibara said as he munched on his snacks. Kise got up and walked over to aomine as he put his hand on aomines shoulder.
"You beat me again.. you got to him first.. keep him and treat him right or I'll steal him" kise said as aomine stared at kise before grabbing kises arm and twisting it.
"Like hell you will steal him!" Aomine Said before kagami elbowed aomine. "dammit! I- i mean thanks and whatever.." aomine said as he let go of kises arm. They spent the rest of their week hanging out and goofing around although sometimes aomine and kise would get in a fight. After the trip aomine and kagami went off to America to join the Chicago bulls and made the team! They then began to be starters as they played and were seen on TV a bunch and came home for holidays. Kagami and aomine eventually got married and continued to play in the NBA for a long time.

The end

I hope you liked the book! I loved writing fan fiction about aomine and kagami it's fun to me I'm getting better at it I promise! The next page will just be filled with fan art THAT I DONT OWN but I found wholesome or cute ^^

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