Truth or dare?

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It was morning as kagami groaned and woke up. He didn't get much sleep thinking about everything but his mind went blank and he forgot the bluenette was sleeping on his couch. Kagami stumbled to the kitchen as he rubbed his face and groaned. He started to cook breakfast as he began to think out loud.
"I can't believe kise said those things about me and aomine..and how Akashi keeps bringing up the NBA.. I mean I wanna go and all but I also don't wanna leave my friends..and why does this camping trip gotta be about me? I didn't do anything I don't think-" kagami kept mumbling on while he cooks as aomine woke up and just stared at him from the couch.
"Tiger you did a bunch of things" the bluenette finally spoke as kagami jumped back and burned his hand as he winced.
"Woah! Are you ok!" Aomine had a hint of worry in his voice as he ran over to kagami.
"Fuck! Yea i just burned my hand"
"Lemme get a wrap" aomine said as he eventually found an ace-wrap and ran back to kagami beginning to wrap his hand.
"Shit... I forgot you were still here..." kagami said embarrassed.
"Oh it's alright it's interesting to hear you think out loud just next time you forget I'm here don't burn your hand..." aomine responded as he finished wrapping kagamis Hand as kagami blushed for some reason. "But you started to put urself down and we know I gotta stop changed our lives tiger for the better that was the first time we have lost to someone outside the miracle gen and that was the first time I lost- ever" as aomine kept talking kagami started to blush as he just looked to the food and changed the subject
"What do you want for breakfast?" Aomine stopped talking as he looked to kagami.
"Whatever is ok- and since when could you cook?"
"I've been able to cook for a long time." Kagami said as he smiled.
"Oh-" aomine said in a happier tone as he blushed.
"Are all the miracle gen gonna play basketball today? Or what?"
"I don't know I can call em and see" aomine Said picking up his phone before there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it you keep cookin tiger"
"Aominechi?" Kise Said as the generation of miracles looked confused.
"Oh I stayed over.. hey tiger! Everyone is here!!"
"Well that answers my question.. come in! What y'all want for breakfast" kagami said as they all started to enter kagamis apartment.
"Whatever is Fine" they all responded
"Oh! By the way Akashi can you not talk about kagami going to the NBA he doesn't like discussing it" aomine said as kagami shot his head up from the food as he blushed in embarrassment.
"Oh? Ok sure" Akashi said unbothered.
"Kagamichiii it's getting closer and closer to your birthday!!!" Kise said with a wide smile.
"Yea I know-"
"Maybe you could get a boyfriend or girlfriend on that trip!" Kagami turned as red as his hair and mumbled
"Boyfriend preferably"
"Then aominechi is perfect for you! Infact you guys should just get together now!" Kise said with a smile hearing what kagami mumbled.
"Now settle down kise just because he wants a boyfriend doesn't mean he wants it to be his biggest rival" aomine said as he winked at kagami.
"Oh cmon im like a Match maker! You guys compliment eachother so well!!"
"Just drop it kise it's obvious kagami nor aomine want to discuss it" midorima said as kise shut up.
"Hey what about if we play truth or dare?" Kuroko said turning to everyone.
"Sure I'm down" aomine said as he was playing hot hands with kise. Everyone else agreed as they all sat on the sofa and the ground in a circle.
"I'll go first! Aominechi truth or dare!" Kise said interrupting kuroko.
"Dare obviously" aomine Said with a smile.
A devilish smile came across kises face as he went to the kitchen and grabbed some ice then came back.
"Melt this with your tounge." Kise Said
"Oh easy!" Aomine Said opening his mouth waiting for the ice to be dropped in.
"With kagamichi.. you have to melt the ice with both of your tongues." Kise said with a smile as kagami turned red.
"So you want us to French kiss..." aomine said as he glanced to kagami who looked uncomfortable. "Nah I'm not gonna do that.. that's a 2 person dare choose somthin else." Aomine Said as kagami looked to aomine with a relived smile. Aomine smiled back at kagami as kise complained
"Oh cmon!!! Do it!!"
"U GOTTA!!!!!!"
"DO ITTTTTT" kise Said as he tried to grab aomines and kagamis head forcing them together before aomine slapped kises hand away.
"Ask a different person I said no end of story.." aomine said getting angry at kise.
"Fine.. I'll just ask you a truth.... Do you like anyone?"
"I do.."
"Ooo who!!!"
"It's one question not two kise." Aomine responded
"Ugh fineeee"
"So, murisakibara truth or dare?" Aomine said turning to murisakibara.
"Ah crap, dare I guess" murisakibara said eating his snacks.
"Throw your snacks away and don't eat anymore till after the game is over"
"What! You douche snarl.." murisakibara mumbled as he did the dare. He plopped back down and turned to kagami.
"Quadra brow truth or dare?" Murisakibara said as the whole group laughed at what murisakibara called kagami.
"WHAT SAY WH- ugh dare" kagami Said as he pouted a little.
"Go send a picture of you shirtless to your crush"
"WHA- dammit fine.." kagami said getting up and going to the bathroom. Everyone began to go silent and look at aomines phone waiting for a noise.
"What are you looking at my phone for???" Aomine Said grabbing his phone.
"Because! This match maker wants to see if I'm right!!!" As kise kept talking loudly aomines phone went off but with kise talking nobody heard it. Right as aomines phone went off kagami walked out of the bathroom looking quite flustered and angry.
"So it wasn't aominechi?" Kise Said looking confused as he rubbed his head. Kagami looked surprised but then decided to cover his secret.
"No I told you your match making skills are wrong kise" kise made a pouty Face as the group kept playing. After a bit aomine decided he wanted to go check his phone to see if kagami actually sent him a photo.
"Aye I gotta go to the bathroom- how about you guys head down to the courts and after I'm done I'll meet you guys down there?" Aomine Said getting up.
"Sure" kagami Said grabbing a Ball and began to head out the door everyone followed. As aomine got inside the bathroom he turned on his phone to see a notification from kagami. He blushed hard as he swiped up and opened his phone going to the message.
(This is what aomine saw BTW I do not own this photo)

Aomine turned as red as kagamis hair as he put down the phone and started to wash his face

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Aomine turned as red as kagamis hair as he put down the phone and started to wash his face. 'Holy shit holy shit holy shit kagami actually likes me? What the hell how shit should I ask him out? Or would he be embarrassed shit I'll just act like I saw nothing' as aomine got lost in his thoughts a few minutes passed and he heard knocking on the door.
"Aomine, you have been in there for awhile are you alright?" A voice spoke from the other side of the door sounding like kagamis. Aomine turned off the water as he looked to the door 'of course HE had to come get me' aomine thought as he sighed.
"Yea I'm alright" he said walking out. "I'm gonna beat you one on one" aomine Said with a grin. Kagami smiled seeing aomine acting normal as he spoke back
"Like hell you will"

The generation of miracles go on a camping trip!Where stories live. Discover now