We leave today!

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Kagami woke up groaning he was sore and felt like he could barley move. His ass hurt like hell and his throat was sore from moaning to much. His back was throbbing from arching his back so far.
"Dammit aomine..." kagami groaned as he managed to sit up in the bed. A groan came from behind kagami as he felt himself being yanked back. Aomine had made kagami his own teddy bear. Kagami smiled slightly as he squirmed out of aomines grip. Walking sorely to go make breakfast. Kagami sighed as he began to cook making enough breakfast for him and aomine. As he was cooking a tan pair of hands wrapped around his waist and a head rested on his shoulder. The tan male groaned as he pulled kagamis waist closer to him.
"Hey! Stop! Ahomine you gotta wake up! You made me sore as hell and I'm awake!" Kagami snapped as he flicked his boyfriends forehead.
"Ow, I'm sorry for showing you such a good time" aomine smiled as kagami blushed.
"What are we having for breakfast" aomine mumbled as he stared down at the sizzling pan.
"Just some pancakes but we gotta hurry kise wanted us to be at his house by a certain time because he rented a whole ass party bus for this trip" kagami sighed.
"A party bus? Wont that be fun" aomine smiled a little as he slid his hands under kagamis shirt tracing kagamis 6-pack.
"Don't you dare aomine" kagami snapped at the bluenette.
"I'm not I'm not don't worry" aomine smiled "your very beautiful" those words made kagami blush as he turned took the pancakes off the stove and looked at his boyfriend. Aomine smiled as he caressed kagamis Cheek.
"You heard what I said, your beautiful I love you infact I've loved you ever since you beat me in highschool" aomine smiled as kagami leaned into aomines warm hand.
"I love you to.. you could have told me in Highschool I would have let you take me out" kagami smiled big as aomine pulled him in for a quick kiss. The two ate breakfast as the grabbed their bags.
"Lemme carry yours" aomine Said reaching for kagamis bags.
"Hey! No i can do it myself!" Kagami yanked the bag away.
"Your sore so it's either I carry your bags or I carry you"
"Ugh fine" kagami handed the bags to aomine as the bluenette smiled both of them walking out of the apartment and to the car.
"I'm driving" kagami demanded twirling the keys.
"No you aren't" aomine Said snatching the keys from kagami and getting in the drivers seat.
"Ugh! You bastard! I'm not helpless you know.." kagami frowned as he got into the passenger side actually loving the attention and care aomine was giving him.
"I know you aren't but you are sore so I'm driving" aomine stated as he started the car and rested one of his hands on kagamis thigh. Kagami smiled as they drove to kises house. Kagami got out the car as kise ran up and hugged him as aomine looked jealous.
"Kagamichi!! Your late what took you so long?"
"Had to make breakfast" kagami said as aomine was stepping out the car.
"Why is aominechi with you?"
"Oh! He didn't have a ride and so he offered to drive because my legs are sore from playing yesterday"
"Oh- ok! Cmon everyone on the bus on the bus!" Kise said as he started to push everyone.
"Kagami, aomine can I talk to you?" Kuroko said looking at the two tall men.
"CRAP!...oh yea sure" kagami said as he and aomine followed kuroko.
"Im gonna be blunt with you both.. are y'all dating?" Kuroko stated as aomine and kagami looked at eachother nervously. Kagami looked at aomine as aomine nodded.
"Alright you caught us.. yea we are- but we were going to announce it on the trip so don't tell anybody" kagami said rubbing the back of his head.
"Your secret is safe with me." Kuroko smiled as he got onto the bus kagami and aomine following.
"Let's turn on some music!" Kise said as he clapped twice and some music came on.
"Ugh ima barf! I just wanna sleep!" Murisakibara complained.
"Oh come on astushi lighten up" Akashi smiled.
"And look what I brought!!" Kise said as he held up a bottle of alcohol."so lucky I hired a driver huh guys?" Kise smiled.
"You moron do not drink that ATLEAST until we get to the camping sight" midorima snapped at kise.
"Oh cmon we have a driver! Let's get trashed! Kagamichi will drink with me won't cha!" Kise smiled looking at kagami. Kagami looked confused as he was just staring at aomines blue eyes.
"What am I joining you in?" Kagami looked confused.
"A drink!" Kise smiled.
"Uhh, I don't know- not right now kise wait till we get there.."
"Fine! But cmon get up let's dance!" Kise said as he grabbed kagamis hands bringing the red head to his feet as kise jumped around like a toddler. Aomine looked angry as he brought his knees to his chest and stared at the two men dancing in the middle of the bus. Kuroko noticed pouting aomine as he slightly laughed. Momoi seemed happy as she teared up a little.
"I'm sorry tetsu I haven't been able to stop crying when everyone seems so happy it just brings back middle school memories" momoi smiled as kuroko hugged her.
"Cmon! Join us!" Kise yelled as he dragged momoi and kuroko to their feet. Kagami smiled a little as he laughed. Aomine looked at kagami surprised as that surprise turned to anger. Kagami walked over to aomine with a smile.
"Come dance with me panther" kagami had a big smile as he held out his hand. Aomine slapped kagamis Hand away as he turned away from kagami. Kagami looked surprised as he lowered his hand and just stared at the angry bluenette.
"Aomine? You alright?" Kagami Said as he took a seat next to aomine. Nobody noticed because everyone was dancing and murisakibara was asleep while Akashi and midorima were playing shoji.
"I'm fine- go dance" aomine grumbled.
"No your not fine" kagami said putting his hand on aomines thigh. Aomines eyes softened as he looked to kagami but then narrowed once more as kise came dancing over.
"Kagamichi come dance!" Kise said trying to drag kagami out of his seat.
"Not right now kise" kagami Said slipping his hand out of kises grip.
"What gotta tend to your boy toy?" Kise smiled.
"IVE TOLD YOU THIS KISE WE ARE NOT TOGETHER!" Aomine yelled angrily standing up as everyone paused and looked at aomine. Kagami had a small look of hurt in his eyes as he closed them. Kuroko noticed his hurt bestfriend as he sighed
"Jeez alright who got your underwear in a knot" kise rolled his eyes as he walked to the other side of the bus grabbed some candy and plopped down. "If your gonna keep acting like an ass then you can leave" kise rolled his eyes as aomine narrowed his eyes more and balled his fist but then reluctantly sat down. Kagami got up from his seat and moved away from aomine putting his headphones in as he scrolled through his phone.
"Momoi can you try and cheer up aomine? I'll take care of kagami" kuroko Said as he smiled at momoi nodding. Kuroko took a seat next to kagami as he tapped kagamis shoulder.
"You seemed hurt by aomines words what's up?" Kuroko said seeming worried.
"Oh you noticed... well- I- i know I said we were pretending until we decided to announce it but the way he said it and it seemed like he genuinely ment it.. it hurt" kagami whispered to kuroko so no one could hear.
"It did seem genuine I'm sorry I'm sure he is just upset he will come around" kuroko smiled as he gave kagami a hug,kagami hugged back.
"Dai-chan?" Momoi said taking a seat next to aomine.
"What is it Satsuki.." aomine said still angry.
"You seem mad and something you did seemed to really upset kagami.." momoi Said looking at aomine. Aomine looked surprised as he looked to kagami who did indeed look upset as aomine mumbled "dammit."
"What is it dai-Chan?" Momoi Said looking genuinely concerned for her friend.
"Well I guess I'll tell you to- me and kagami are secretly dating and we were gonna announce it during the trip..but now I probably screwed shit up" aomine whispered to momoi. Momoi looked surprised then concerned.
"Well dai-Chan the way you yelled that you and kagami weren't together seemed very real.. it probably hurt kagami I know I would be hurt" momoi said as aomine looked at her.
"Dammit your right thanks Satsuki" aomine smiled as he got up and headed towards kagami and tapped him.
"Oh, hey aomine..." kagami Said taking off his headphones and pulling his knees to his chest.
"Taiga- I didnt- I.. I got jealous on how kise was being so flirty with you... and it pissed me off and then it just went down hill from there.. I'm sorry."
Kagami looked surprised that aomine used his first name as his look faded into a smile.
"I forgive you but don't worry about kise, ever again" kagami Said as he put his hand on aomines and squeezed. Aomine smiled as he got up and moved away from kagami again and sooner or later they all fell asleep.

The generation of miracles go on a camping trip!Where stories live. Discover now