We leave in the morning

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They got into kagamis apartment as kagami plopped onto the couch and turned on the tv. Aomine Just stood in the door way not feeling welcomed.
"Oi, aho you coming in or not?" Kagami Said as he looked to aomine. The bluenette looked at kagami with a smile as he pulled up a chair across from kagami.

"You offered to take your sweatpants off for me so do it" aomine smiled at the red head as kagami looked at him blushing.

"That was just play talk..." kagami gulped.
"Well im not playing now~" aomine smiled as he reached across the coffee table taking the remote from kagami and turning off the TV. Kagami was at a loss for words as he was red in the face.

"Oh cmon you offered it I'm cashing in that offer~ never said I would take off your boxers.. yet" aomine smiled. Kagami didn't know what to say as he sighed he got up and pulled down his sweatpants showing his boxers.

"Happy?" Kagami grumbled as he plopped back onto the couch still blushing. That made aomines pants get tight as he didn't expect kagami to actually do it. Aomine slowly crawled across the coffee table as he took kagamis chin making kagami look at him.
"Oh I'm very happy" aomine Said with a smile on his face.

"What are you gonna do?" Kagami Said as he stared into aomines blue eyes gripping the couch cushion. Aomine Bit his lip as he leaned into kagamis ear.
"I might have to tear those boxers off you myself~" that made kagami melt as he turned red it brought a smile to aomines Face as he pulled kagami to him and began to kiss the red head passionately. He slid his tongue into kagamis mouth as he forced kagami to lay back onto the couch. Kagamis hips began to move grinding onto aomine as aomine stopped and smiled.

"You want me that bad?"
"Oh yes please" kagami Said seductively. Those words broke aomine as he took off his shirt and undid his pants as he then latched onto kagamis neck as kagami moaned.

"S~shit!...aho~" kagami moaned as he gripped the couch cushion. Aomine didn't stop sucking on kagamis neck as he took off kagamis boxers.
"Ah!.. aomine!...we leave in the morning! I can't!~" the red head moaned as aomine found his way to kagamis entrance and began to rub his finger tips around kagamis entrance.

"Oh don't worry I know, I can help you into the car" aomine smiled as he stuck his finger in as the red head arched his back and moaned. Aomine smiled at the moaning red head under him as he slid another finger in as the red head gripped aomines shoulders tight and moaned.

"And now we are prepared" aomine smiled as he licked kagamis neck pulling his fingers out. Kagami let out a whimper as aomine smiled. Without a warning aomine thrusted into kagami as Hard as possible. The red head practically screamed in pleasure as he arched his back high and flung his head back his head pressing into the couch cushion . Aomine let out a grunt as kagamis walls were closing in tightening up around aomines member. Aomine didnt just like it...no.. he loved it he felt amazing as he already felt close to bursting. There bluenette not wanting to cum first began to stroke kagamis member as the red head moaned.
"Ah!~ aomine!!!"

Aomine kept pumping with a smile as kagami couldn't get out the words before he came.
"ah! Ah!..aho!~" kagamis muscles tightened around aomines member as aomine moaned in pleasure.
Aomine then grunted and released too deep into kagami.
"Shit baby you feel so good.."

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