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The next day kagami woke up with a groan as he went to the kitchen and cooked his breakfast. After he ate he turned on some music and began to pack.
"Feels like I'm packing to go to America.." he'd pause as he picked up a Serine jersey as he smiled.
"The memories with this thing" he sighed as he tossed it aside and continued to pack.
"I feel like, I feel like after this trip I should join the NBA I've been waiting for to long.. and besides everyone will support me right?...right?" Kagami frowned as he kept packing thinking about what everyone would say before he heard a knock on the door.
"Hm? I thought everyone was gonna stay home today packing..." kagami said as he opened the door and aomine was standing in the door way.
"Sup tiger"
"Aomine? What are you doing here"
"It didn't take me long to pack stupied and you seemed oh so desperate to have me over so," aomine said with a grin as kagami blushed.
"I wasn't desperate I was bored- and I'm not bored now so if you want to leave you can" kagami was closing the door before a foot stopped it.
"You got mixed feelings about me dont you?" Aomine Said as he opened the door back up and stepped into the apartment then closing the door.
"I could say the same thing after what you told me yesterday and what you texted me.." kagami said crossing his arms not amused
"Oh that? I was horny and for some reason you were on my mind and besides you texted me the picture wasn't that for your crush?" Aomine Said as he smiled and kagami blushed.
"Yea what's it to you? Maybe I sent it to you on accident maybe I didn't you won't know" kagami Said as he smiled slyly.
"Dammit that's hot" aomine mumbled as kagami looked surprised.
"Exuse me?"
"Oh I'm sorry was I thinking out loud tiger?" Aomine Said with a smile as he leaned into kagamis Face their faces inches away from eachother. Kagamis Body started to get really hot as he bit his lip.
"Just- fuck,"
"You want me to fuck you? A little forward don't you think?" Aomine Said with a laugh.
"NO! no that's not what I meant- go sit on the couch you perv"
"Ah alright but hurry up and pack this perv wants to go play basketball" aomine Said as he walked pass kagami and plopped onto the couch. Kagami hurried to his room a blushing mess as he covered his face.
"That dam perv, why does he always manage to turn the tables back on me? And he called me hot again! This guy needs to make up his mind kiss me or do something" kagami Said as he threw a piece of clothing into the suitcase. Aomine-hearing what kagami just said- smiled as he said to himself.
"Oh tiger you will get your kiss soon I'm just taking my sweet time seeing how pent up you get it" aomine Said as he grabbed the basketball out of the corner and knocked on kagamis door.
"Times up bakagami we are going to play let's go"
"Alright alright! Let me get dressed!" Kagami Said taking off his shirt as aomine walked in then stood there dumbfounded.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET OUT!" Kagami screamed as he threw a pillow at aomine.
"I got my wish to see that in person!" Aomine Said happily as he dodged the pillow and shut the door.
"See? What?" Kagami just remembered the text message. "OH YOU ASSHOLE YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!" Kagami Said as he got dressed and bursted out of the room.
"Possibly we will never know!" Aomine Said with a smile as he booped kagamis nose. Kagami started to blush hard again as aomine smiled.
"You don't have tan skin like me you can't hide your blushing kagami"
"Oh so your saying you have hid your blush? Was it that time when kise told me to come look at a picture was it you blushing? Do I need to ask kise for it?" Kagami Said with a smile getting centimeters away from aomines Face. Aomine froze as he started to get hot and his hands slowly moved around kagamis waist.
"Woah what the hell are you do-" kagamis sentence was cut off by aomine pulling him in for a kiss. The red head froze for a little before wrapping his arms around the bluenette his fingers intertwining with aomines hair. Aomine pulled away with a smile.
"Ah so I am your crush and does this mean I'm dating you?"
"Maybe" kagami Said with a smile as he Bit his lip and pulled aomines back into a kiss. They slowly backed into a wall as aomine pinned kagamis hands above his head. Aomine then separated kagamis legs with his knee as kagami yelped. Aomine taking that chance and he slide his tongue into kagamis mouth as kagami softly moaned the two men tasting eachother. They were about to take it further before there was a knock on the door. Aomine stopped and pulled away as kagami stood there against the wall breathing heavily. 'He just kissed me.. holy fuck.. were we about to fuck if someone didn't knock? Oh I wish they didn't' kagami thought to himself as he blushed hard.
"If you keep blushing if it's who I think it is they will realize what happened and he will be all over us about it..." aomine said as he caressed kagamis cheek. Kagami shook his head as he leaned into aomines warm hand.
"Can we announce it while we are camping? Because I was going to tell everyone this but.. I'm planning on going to the NBA after the trip" kagami Said as aomine smiled.
"Announce what? Oh so we are dating finally! but just to let you know kise won't let you go about it and what do you mean just you? I'm coming to tiger~" aomine Said as kagami smiled and kissed aomine as he went to open the door.
"Hey guys,"
"Kagamichi!! We all got done packing so we thought we should all go play basketball!! Ima give aomine a call and tell him to get here!" Kise Said as he pulled out his phone and dialed up aomine. All of the miracles looked to kagami as they heard a phone ringing inside.
"Yea aomine is already here we were about to go do one on ones"
"Then cmon let's go!" Kise said as he ran out the door way to the courts.
"He is so rambunctious and loud" kagami sighed.
"Kagami your not as rambunctious but your loud" kuroko Said as kagami looked angry and aomine laughed.
"Cmon let's go" Akashi said as the miracle gen nodded and followed. Kagami was about to follow before aomine grabbed his hand and pulled him into a kiss. Kagami smiled and wrapped his hands around the bluenette. Aomine pulled back with a smile.
"I'm gonna win today"
"Oh like hell you will you had to use words last time" kagami Said with a smile as he grabbed aomines hand. "Now let's go before kise comes to get us." Kagami Said as aomine laughed then nodded following the red head out the door.

The generation of miracles go on a camping trip!Where stories live. Discover now