The origins of Chris part 2

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"Okay everybody time for the next relay. Since team Amazon is the big losers their out. They must clean the fish and lobsters the other teams brought in annnd shuck these giant clams" Wow sucks to be them.

"when the whole team gets here right?" she asks hopefully.

"yeah but you're here."

"not as a team I'm just here as me." she tries to escape but she happened to forget our host is stubborn man child.

"Well I'm here as a guy that's hosting a swanky beach shin-dig in a couple of hours, which he needs clean beautiful Atlantic clams for. Shuck'em up sister." Chris throws a clam at her, which she catches and gets juice on her face.

"uggh, My team is going to pay!" Heather fumes, turning to glance at the water.

"I thought the team that bring in seafood get a reward." Al asks.

"you do you get to watch Heather shuck clams. How's that for a special reward?" he clarifies.

"Very good." Al agrees, which we all do, Heather hasn't been the nicest.

"Welcome to my traditional Newfoundland kitchen party. In this part of the completion it's team Chris is really really really really hot vs. DJ in a screeching in relay. Screeching in is a ceremony preformed by the locals to welcome the newcomers to the island. First you have to drink a whole jug of apple cider."

"Doesn't sound so bad." My brother shrugs.

"Correction that was suppose to be apple cider vinegar, it will put hair on your chest. The happy twins both must finish a whole bottle. When you do you must tag Alejandro and Noah who will then have to decipher a local Newfoundland saying spoken by my cousin Jared McClain."

The half door opens and in walks a short bearded man.

"Then Alejandro and Noah tag Tyler and Izzy, (yes I know I changed it but I felt like Izzy would be picked over Lia to do this) who will have to kiss a cod. Like he means it." Tyler's eyes widen and he bites his lip in fear. Good luck dude."DJ since you're the only eligible member of Victory you must do the whole relay yourself." I look to see where the poor unfortunate person is but don't see him "DJ where is DJ?"

"well with DJ missing in action it looks like team Chris is really (x4) hot will get a headstart. Let the screeching in begin!" I quickly grab the bottle after he finishes and start chugging it, eyes watering at the sour taste, but I don't start until I empty it a few seconds after my brother finishes his.

"That is vile!" I flick the bottle away as DJ runs in gasping and holding his throat, coughing violently. We gasp.

"He did it DJ drank the jug of vinegar!" Heater appears behind him with the said jug resting in her palm.

"Wow didn't see that coming. Both teams move onto the interpretation part of the challenge. Ready? Take it away Jeard."

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