Day 1 and already 3 near-death experinces.

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"Ohh, look team colors!" Iz points to her teams red mat. Mine is blue and also that's also my 3rd fav color after purple and neon green.

"Why is our mat yellow we're no cowards" Harold says before Shawna reassures him it's not.

Gwen starts talking about piercings being out with Heather and Courtney, which i tune out and try to relax. I start singing some songs to calm down under my breathe so noone can hear me.

That's until Sierra says "Duncan and Courtney fans will be devastated but I think that either you and Owen or Lia and Noah have a shot of being fav TD couple on my fansite" I turn to the Violet-haired girl, annoyed.

"uh-m Sierra there's only one problem with that. I'M NOT DATING NOAH!!" Sierra looks shocked at this.  "will people stop saying that" I groan and hide my face in my hands and then turn and talk to Owen and Noah.

"did you know that Cody use to sleep with a stuffed emu til he was..okay he still does"

"and how the heck do you know that?" I ask as Noah asks something like that while we walk over to them.

"I called his aunt once and pretended I was a tell marketer" Sierra half-whispers to us.

"ohh, stalkerlisous" Noah remarks, causing me to softly giggle into my hand as a gong rang startling me.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm loving Egypt" Chris starts talking while eating grapes. "and I'm gonna love it even more watching youguys do your second challenge. The amazing camel race"

"where are the other camels?" Harold looks around.

"there are no other camels this is a camel race not a camels race" he explains smirking

"Yes!" "what!" "mhaa" Heather Alehondro and  the goat speak.

"We won last time and they" she motions to Amazon "get a camel" she points to me "they get a goat, and we get a stick!" she fumes.

"each reward has it's rewards, trust me." The deranged host assures her.

"Okay so they don't" I whfisper to Noah and Owen, who snicker.

Chris Tells us that we're racing to the Nile, where the finish line is, with our rewards then gives us a minute to stratigize.

Cody was hitting on Gwen... and failing, badly. He mentioned that he's avilable.

"Hear that?" Heather asked "It's the sound of girls all over the world running and rushing to ... shut thier doors!" I give Cody a sad smile.

Alehondro starts a 'team' pep talk. "we don't need a camel, we have each other." you know the usual boring pep talk that I zoned out (I have heard it from school) until everyone cheers but Seirra and me, who keep our mouth shut. 

Alehandro has Tyler and Noah get on the goat. "up up!" he sends Seirra on Noah's and bro on Tyler's shoulder's.

Owen started to praise Alehandro before noah voices his thoughts. "Yay this is gonna work" "Have faith, Noah believe in us" He chastises before grabbing me and flipping up on top. We sway and are still a little unbalenced in the back. I clamp on to him, shaking because of the height.

"Hey AL, maybe someone else should carry Lia? I  can carry Lia instead" Owen offers.

"Good idea amigo but I think it would be better if Noah held her since its not balanced in back" he manages to unclamp my hands and drops me down, without warning. I scream as I fall through the air.  

"Lia!" Noah cries out as I fall into his arms at the last minute. Immeadly, I resume shaking and bury my headin his shoulder.

"Lia, are you okay?" Iz flips over beside me before smiling. "Does someone need chocolate peanutbutter creamys?" she takes out my all time favorite candy from her bra. (it's in a box)

"Yeah I am, now give me the candy" I snatch on and plop it in my mouth as Iz hands Noah the others before going back to her team and try to get some more candy from Noah. 

"Right, Niles that way! Kind big, blue, and watery. Can't miss it... well I guess you can but you'll die. Probably get killed by the local scrab bettles, its mating season and they get all killy when they're in a heap"

 "Glad they aren't any here" 

"Jinxed us" I sigh as Chris tips some over.  I scream as loud as I can, which isn't loud. I hide my face and hold onto Noah for dearlife. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHY WOULD YOU LET THOSE THINGS GO!"

The physco just smirked as the music bell rings. " Time for a song! think of this as a mini challenge. music soothes the mate seeking scarabs so make up a good one and maybe they won't kill ya or get disqualified." 

Again, i hate this show. (she sings with Izzy)

We take off and arrive at the Nile first. 

"There's the finish line."

"Yeah, On the other side!"

Chris starrts talking on the other side but we can't hear hm.

"Huh?" I call out as I pet the goat.

"Whaaattt? Speak up!" my brother yells before turning and asking us "Did you guys get any of that?"

Chris gets a megaphone and yells through it. it's so powerful that I'm blown back into Noah. "I SAID WELCOME TO YOUR THIRD AND FINAL CHALLENGE"

I cover my ears and bury my head in Noah's shoulder to soften the yelling. It hurt my sensitive ears. The noise stops so I  remove my head from his shoulder. 

His lips moves but I couldn't hear him.

"What Noah?" i ask the Indian who sighs and points to his lips.  

Getting the message I read his lips.'he must of busted your ear drums'

 I sigh as we get to the challenge.


We lost! but we weren't last thankfully. I  got my hearing back too.

"You're ears feeling better?" Noah asks as I groan and lean my head on his shoulder.  We're in the dining room of the plane. I had originally came in here to be alone but talking to Noah's fine instead.

"I'm tired and my ears ringing"  I pout as I yawn.

"The ringing should go away in 5 to 6 hours."

"Thanks" I nod and go back to economy class to sleep.

 Wow I alrady hate the show and have new friends.

~~ 'uses Noah as a sheild' Sorry for the 2 week overdue. For those who don't know I'm sick and my teachers are acting like we are senoirs and not 8th graders with homework. So I have like no free time between that and my other activivties.

Read next paragraphs please

Also I'm going through a tough time with being sick and today I found out that my friend was scratching her arms raw. Today was also her last day before she left for treatment and I found that out in my last period class so I never even got to say goodbye. yeah so I'm a wreak right now. Me and my friend Jessica decided to hng out at the popcorn festible to cheer each other up and maybe have me stay at her house the night.

Jess has been badgering me to do the ice bucket challenge so we're going to do that maybe this weekend. If you guys want a link then comment and I will put that with Here We go again cause that is half way done and I might post it on Wendnesday.

Oh by the way episodely (is episodely a word?) question who is your favorite TDI character? mine is either Noah or Bridgette.

Keep doing what you wanna, kl3~~

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