Uh oh hold on

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"Winning really is everything." Tyler sighs from his spot across from me as we were getting facials to relax us.

"Says the guy who frenched a cod." Noah speaks up from his spot in the other group of seats with everyone else but DJ, who sat next to Tyler holding his fish Irene. My nose wrinkles at the mention of our last challenge but I don't say anything

"And P.S. it was a tie!" DJ reminds us happily before I hear a shuffling noise and feel someone accidentally kick my chair. "oops sorry about that Lia." He must be going to the confessional or to get some chocolate chip cookies a stewardess made not too long ago. I'll have to go get some soon.

Oh well. Deciding to relax for a little bit longer, I let myself loose focus and think of my favorite songs playing in my head not whatever twisted challenge Chris has prepared for us to do for entertainment.

Chewing sounds fill my ears followed after by a loud burp I'm all to use to hearing, Owen's.

"Ugh it's a facial not a fruit plate." Our residential bookworm groans at most likely the smell, I don't blame him at all it smells like our dog, Sparky's dog food.

"Oh Noah, don't you see? It's both." My brother corrects him.

"Your so lucky mom isn't here." I chuckle at the thought of mom yelling at Owie after he burped the day before we left at dinner. 

"I know, mom gets really angry." He agrees with me.

"Owen these chairs are spring loaded, watch this!" Izzy calls out and I take off one of my cucumber slices to watch her too. She was sandwiched in between  the back and seat of it then moved the chair so it was leaning back, effectively hitting my brother in the kiwis. 

"Whys it always the kiwis?" Pain was evident in my brother's tone and I get up. Making an ice bag to give to Owie then some cookies for me. 

"Here." I send the ice bag soaring over to him as I walk by him, it hits his face before landing on his hands.

"Yaow!" I cringe at his pain filled noise and sink back into my seat. "Sorry Owie, I thought you would have caught that."

"'S okay." Owen moves the ice pack, I could hear it moving. "That's much better."


 "Lia come over here, will you?" My brother asks me so I roll my eyes and feeling lazy, flip myself over so I'm sitting between the two boys on the edge of their armrests. Noah jumps in surprise along with my brother and lets out a small squeak.

"What do ya want?" 

"I've made up my mind, I'm gonna breakup with Izzy once and for all." He looks at us seriously.

"Finally." Noah 

"I still like her but she's so.."

"Nutty?" Noah volunteers. "Like a ten ton bag of pecans smothered in peanut butter encased in  a cashew the size of China?"

"Hey I like nuts, they taste good." I hit him on the head lightly and turn when I hear Izzy gnawing on a breathing mask with her cucumbers still on.

"Yum, tastes like shoe polish!" She cheers and for once I feel worried about her.

"Okay maybe she is a little bit." I admit to them. "But she is my best friend."

"A little bit?" Noah raises his eyebrow at me and I get annoyed.

"Yes now watch your mouth or I'll get a soap bar to fill it." I flip back over the seats and sit down again.

"Aw she's happy." He eats one of Noah's cucumbers as I sit back down in my seat, putting one of my own eye cucumbers back on but stop when I see Al follow Chris, most likely to try and get DJ on our team. I put on my other cucumber so I can and listen to this train wreck waiting to happen.

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