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"Why are we in loser class? We won last challenge or at least didn't loose!" Heather snips from her spot on the bench across from where I'm laying down. Chris had finally got the money to fix the plane and none of us were happy to be back from our mini vacation. We had chicken fights (which toke a lot of convincing to get them to do one), swim races, and just laying around.

"Chris said he needed first class today for a secret special guest and what Chris needs..."

"HE takes from us!" Heather cuts her off with a valid statement as Courtney comes back and accidentally sits on Gwen's hand

"Oh sunburn ow!" She pulls her hand away quickly.

"That looks bad." I get up and walk over to Gwen to get a closer look at her hand. "Do you want me to get you some ice for it?"

"no it's fine." She refutes me. "I'll just get some later.

"Oops, sorry. How do you end up with sunburn on just one hand?"

"Ugh I don't know!" Cody looks away red-faced and suddenly it makes sense, he must of done it. Courtney walks out as I walk back over and lay down again.

"Here try this, it'll cool the burn it's a special mix of green tea and bird guweno."

"ewww." I mutter as Gwen sticks her hand in and sighs in relief.

"wait guweno isn't that...?"

"A nicey nice name for poop." Heather confirms as I nod. Gwen makes a disgusted noise that turns into a whimper.

"Poop that's full of healing ingredients." Courtney points out. "I learned how to make it at CIT first aid weekend. It's gross but it helps, right?"

"Yes." Gwen admits putting her hand back in it. "Well thanks for being nice-ish."

"Bonding over poop juice, ugh! Is there anyone sane left around here?!" Heather looks over to Sierra typing on her pizza box computer.

"Ow!" We run into turbulence and my head hits the bench hard. "Stupid turbulance, can't I just lay down. I pout and Noah rolls his eyes before grabbing something from the overhead compartment, my pillow. 

"Here." He puts the pillow under my raised head for me.

"Thank you." 

"Tweeter update! Gwen smells like Jamaican bird doo-doo, Noah and Lia seem to be friends, Cody is still cute! Uh 77 characters m'kay 33 left what else can I say?"

"Considering buying myself a life on Fredslist," Noah imitates Sierra. " but having trouble deciding as they are all such a major improvement." 

I let out a string of giggles that turn into half chuckles when my brother spits some of his nose shake on him. "Ew Owie!"

"Dude gross!"

"Did i get some of my nose milkshake on you, sorry. It's the only thing that really clears off a snoot full of Jamaican scotch bonnet peppers." Owen demonstrates for us and Noah goes back to mocking Sierra.

"Must learn how to make noseshakes like Owen that'll impress Cody." My brother snorts out the peppers and they fly around until hitting Tyler, leaving Noah in a fit of laughter while I hand Tyler a Kleenex from the travel pack I have over head.

"check it out I'll shoot a pepper out of whichever nostril you pick." Owen offers. "I mean choose."

"Yeah because one noseshake a day isn't enough." Noah replies as Owen checks the milk.

"Aww but i'm out of milk." He whines.

"Hey Courtney how much of that poop juice you got left?" I hit Noah on his leg as Al leaves.

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