Fight me!

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(~~good time for The Cab's cover of Disturbia to come on~~)

No one was talking to each other since Noah left, the silence in the room defeating. I was just sitting facing Tyler on the bench, knees pulled up to my chest and watching the clouds roll by. My brother could be heard having a nightmare from the other bench we now use for sleeping. I couldn't help but leave as it starts, not being able to stay another minute. 

"We are you going?" Al snaps and I turn with a forced smile.

"None of your business." I turn on my heel and walk out to the confessional, passing Courtney on my way. 

"Lia listen to Noah, Al is trouble. Sorry he got kicked by the way." 

"You didn't do it, don't be, and I know. Al's giving me the third degree, I think I'm next." i admit to the Brunette I talk with on occasion, pushing my bangs out of my face. Since Izzy left I've been talking more with the CIT and she isn't so bad to talk to, honestly she does fit her nickname well.

"You have your brother on your side and I'll see what I can do to get Duncan on your side, you are better than Tyler." She nods to me and walks away murmuring about the game.

"Things are terrible here now! I wish that I was voted off instead of Noah since he's better at this and Al is making me uncomfortable. If Noah's right than I'm next most likely because Al won't want anyone to know." I bite my lip and stare out the window. "But right now I actually would prefer it since Owie would be kept around longer since he hasn't figured it out."

My brother is in the hallway when I come out and head to the kitchen, grabbing an apple. I stop t the door before I go in and hear them talking.

"Are you okay Tyler?"

"I saw something..." He whisper yells to Al, this is getting interesting

"Ah oh wow that was a deep sleep, the sleep of the dead. You know what I mean Tyler, dead?"

"Wow why do you want to kill him?" i walk back in and resume my place but on the other bench.

"No, I don't what made you think that sunshine?" He says trying to act menacing.

"No reason ." I give another strained, forced smile.

"Where were you?"

Ignoring Al's question, I pull out my headphones and concentrate on putting them in my ears. Turning on my phone I put on my playlist, texting Harold back on how I am.

"We have to meet up with Chris guys." I hear my brother say and I pretend to not hear, waiting until a hand was held out in front of my own.

"Get up."


"Prepare yourselves for challenges of an amateur caliber-" Gwen claps and looks of hope come on everyone's faces. "-because we're recreating the original Olympics!" We all look at each other, worried. "And we're heading there right now! Any guesses?"



"Mt. Olympus?" My brother guesses. 

"Wrong, fictional and what? We're going to Rome, Italy!"

"wah?" "Pizza party!" My voice fills the room along with My brother's.

"But Courtney was correct, the Olympics originated in Greece."

"no they originated in-"

"Greece, they're right"

"It did." I backup and Chris pulled out his script and shuffles through the paper's, a few falling to the floor.

"INTERNS!" Two pop up beside him and he barks out orders."Everyone should hold onto something except for you." The plane tips to the side and the red shirt intern falls out, the plane rightening itself up afterwards. Chris turns to the other intern. "You might wanna go find information on Greece, quickly! Greece it is."

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