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~~Info at bottom for the important notes.~~

*6 months later*

I grip my book bag strap tighter as I walk over to a group filled with three boys and two girls. The crisp cold winter air making me want to run but I pushed that feeling aside and continue, noticing three out of five in an argument. The shorter girl with black hair glanced over at me and smiled.

"Lia there you are, can you tell your boyfriend he's wrong." She asks jabbing her finger over in his direction as we set off to our spot.

  "No I'm not, you are wrong." A hand brushed up against mine in greeting and I grabbed it, squeezing it as they continue to argue about who knows what. I zone them out as I've learned by now to do so and think back to what happened on the show 6 months ago.

Oh yeah that's right you guys don't know. Anyways wanna know what was on the tape?


After the audience left, all of us were gathered up in a room with Blainley in front holding a TV remote.

"This is a little parting gift I made-"

"You mean made the interns do." Geoff rolled his eyes at the blonde.

"Whatever. Play it!" She snapped at the intern, who jumped and did as he was told. The first part was of Bridgette, Leshawna, and Harold getting tricked by Al and then a clip of Al and Noah talking outside the confessional started and it appeared to be from when we were leaving Jamaica. 

"What's up with you and Lia, you look like you like her amigo." Al narrows his eyes at Noah in suspicion.

"Nothing she's just my brother's little sister, that's it. She's pretty much a toned down Izzy with Owen's personality." Is that really all that he thinks of me as? Not even a friend just his best friend's little sister? Has he been faking it this whole entire time? I glance over at the bookworm and see..

~~Here is a sneak peek at the next part which will be uploaded sometime in the next week or week and a half.

My classes are just overloading us with work, well science hasn't since for the last couple of days I just sat out in the parking lot with the rest of the class and even joined in singing the Spanish alphabet. 

My teacher's son(a kindergartner) stays in her room in the morning which 10th grade + (counting advanced) hangout in. She left us to watch hi for a couple of minutes and he was throwing his shoes at a Junior for I don't know what reason and threw it out into the hall. He ran out and got it and came back in the room, with her behind him. It was hilarious.

Oh yeah tomorrow I get to go to 'the festival of our finest' as my Spanish teacher calls it or the popcorn festival with Jess as her dad runs all the music equipment for the stage so we go and get food, shop, and play games.

In my Ag class we had a state officer visit and was separated into teams and on mine was Alexia and two football players Eli and Conner. The first game Rob (the officer) had us do was a game that's supposed to put you in an awkward situation or the mint game. The mint game is when you have straws in your mouth and you have to pass a lifesaver mint to each of your teammates and back. I was stuck between Alexia and Conner.... and for someone like me that's awkward, it wasn't too much fun. but afterwards we had to dress one person on our team with newspaper and Eli volunteered to do it thinking we had to make a dress. We actually had to make a uniform, not a dress. But we made him have a skirt since none of us wanted to do his pants. We also kept fighting with Eli since he wanted a cape and kept trying to do superman with his arms and ripping his 'sleeves'. Yeah.... and it turns out that our teacher put the pictures on our FFA Facebook. My youth advisor ended up texting me asking what we were doing.

Oh yeah, my Q&A is coming up soon so leave questions and I will be putting up a sorta contest on it so keep an eye out for it, I keep forgetting to mention it. If you want me to post it on here then tell me, vote or whatever. Song is Seventeen by Alessia Cara since I believe they're  seventeen.

Anyways, keep doing what you wanna, kl3~~

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