Chapter XII: Broken Heart

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*2 months later, Sylvia's POV*

It's been two months since we arrived to Vale and started living with Summer and Ruby Rose... occasionaly aunt Yang arrived and we talked about stuff...

We became pretty famous around the city... for example Blaze was a girl's idol and wherever he went girls wanted him... Alissa made them regret their desires... Alissa was famous for helping in an animal rescue station... as a part-time... people loved her... both employees and customers... Clementine entered a darts competition so she became famous thanks to winning it... Vixen... got famous too... though not in the way others did... she started going to pubs late at night and when we saw her she was drunk and always hanging out with... questionable guys... we tried to talk with her but she always refused... she once even flirted with Blaze so her and Alissa had a huge fight that almost destroyed the house...

There was no other choice... we had to call her mom and I had to suspend her from our band... bad is... she's our lyric maker... and without lyrics we can't make songs...

luckily though my boyfriend, Jimmy... yes we started dating was a good lyric maker so I took him in the band and together we made a few songs... both Clementine and Blaze changed their mind about him..

(Credit of all songs go to Bank of Innovation)

Anyways out of all of us... I didn't get any more famous than I already was... Jimmy was a really great help for us since Vixen kinda left us alone when she decided to drink.

Jimmy: "What should we do next?"

Sylvia: "We should look for Vixen... I know she's... well herself but she's my oldest friend so I'm getting kinda worried about her."

Jimmy: "That's understandable... let's look for her." We left the shed and got into the house... I looked at our girl's room but she wasn't there.

???: "Looking for Vixen again?" I looked around and saw Ruby.

Jimmy: "Yes... haven't you seen her?"

Ruby: "She's in the kitchen... sleeping under the table.."

We got there and saw her... she had her underwear on only... I covered Jimmy's eyes.

Sylvia: "It's worse with her..."

Ruby: "I have to admit even uncle Qrow doesn't drink as much as her... you called her parents you said?"

Sylvia: "Yes but her mom... well she was pretty mad... and told us that if we can't handle her or if it would get worse we should call her again and she'd arrive..."

Vixen moved under the table... when she exhaled the alcohol could be felt by everyone... she hicced and rubbed her eyes.

Vixen: "What happened... I don't... renember anyt... anything f-from... l... las... last night..." Ruby splashed a cold water on her body which made her jolt up but since she was under a table she hit it and went back to sleep....

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