part 5

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This part is going to show yall how the great izuku and aizawa met and how they are now husband and husband

I was hopping on roof to roof like i always do until i felt a presences now i already knew who it was it was earserhead. So i sped up the pass now on the sidewalk running in the night with eraser chasing me. "Get back her kamisama" wow i get butterflies when he says my vigilante name "nah i think you should come catch me baby boy~" i look back only to see him blushing. I then ran into an alley way only to find that its a dead in well shit eraser followed me "there is no where to hide kamisama give up" i just simply sighed walked towards him with my hands up and kissed him. Now i always had a crush on eraser so why not distract him with a kiss now i didn't except him to kiss back tho that was surprising.

I smirked into the kiss now pinning him into the wall.

Switching to are favorite coffee addict

I was chasing kamisama now not going to lie i had a bit of a crush on him i mean who can blame me he is hot. And his voice don't get me started on that his voice was husky deep but soft at the same time. He ran into an alley way so i of course followed him and once i saw it was a dead end that's when i took the chance to finally say something "there is no where to hide kamisama give up" he walked over towards me i was still being wary and didn't put my guard down he had his hands up still walking and then bent down and kissed me. I was shocked HES KISSING ME just when he was about to pull away i kissed him back hoping this isn't a dream. He then pinned me to the wall and bit my lip i opened my mouth and he put his tongue is both of us fighting for dominance. Both of us forgetting where supposed to be fighting each other he then snaked his arms around my waist pushing me more into him we both finally let go so we can catch are breaths.

Switching to are favorite broccoli boi

After we stopped kissing i couldn't help but smirk his face was all pink and he was covering half his face with his small ass hands. While im still holding on to his waist "hm so what does this make us cause im sure this is not something friends or hero and vigilante do" im pretty sure like 99% sure that he was in a daze and was freaking out cause he was still blushing badly.

Ok loves there will be a part 2 for this chapter and i will probably post that tomorrow whil doing online school cause its supposed to be a big snow storm so see you bye loves

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