Part 7

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We where just talking when it got quiet he just stared at me "huh is there something on my face" Izumi just smiled "no it's nothing it's just your so beautiful" my face started to heat up "don't say those things out of no where" he just chuckled and then. He was so hot and nice and funny I honestly don't get why he likes me "hey Izu why do you like me" he just frowned "why wouldn't I like you your amazing person your smart not very kind but that's what I like about you your brave and beautiful" Aw I don't know either to be mad about him saying I'm not kind or be happy that he thinks of me like that.

The sun was down and out was the stars they where so beautiful. Izuku got up out of no where and then held out his hand "do you trust me" I just nodded and he pulled me up and then picked me up out came wings out of his back and he started to flap them. Slowly lifting us off the ground but in the air I shoved my face into his neck with my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs attached to his waist "no I hate heights" I heard him laugh "so you can fight villains almost get killed every single time you go to your job hop over buildings which you can fall from but your scared of heights" he looked down at me with amused smirk on his face I just huffed he then went on his back and we just stayed like that for awhile I finally got the courage to at least move so I can see the sky. It was beautiful we where above the clouds but you can still see the lights in are city "it's really pretty" I looked at izuku and he was smiling at me we stayed a little longer in the sky like this until we finally went down. He sat me down and then sat down with me he already retracted his wings he put his head in my lap and I started playing with his hair. I stared into his eyes and then he sat up right in front of me we were now staring at each other when we both started leaning in and then kissed. It was like the world stopped the kiss was filled with love no hate nothing negative just happiness and love. We finally pulled away just to go back in for another izuku was leaning on the tree and he then scooted me so I was now sitting in his lap facing him. We broke apart me catching my breath while he just stared at me like I was everything and worth so much more than all the rich people and snobs. "Shoto aizawa will you be my boyfriend" I just nodded and then we shared another kiss him kissing me felt like the first one each time.

Ok damn where finally done with how they met this took way to long but anyways I hope you have a good day loves or night taliyah out

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