chapter 6

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Third person pov.

Orochimaru was about to leave to his lab when pain stopped him. "Orochimaru wait. Come to my office I think kisame has bought back something quite helpful about the girl." He said. Orochimaru immediately nodded and followed the leader to his office.
"When they found her she was inside a capsule and these... These were found near her. Seeing these papers I can tell that these are her test result and other papers. I don't know how much these will be useful but take these." Pain said handing the snake sanin the papers. He immediately went thought the papers and his eyes widened and a big smile made its way to his face. "This is more than useful. This is fantastic. With this I can made an antidote for the poison immediately. Thank you" he said sincerely. "Hmm. Maybe I am not the one you should thank. Afterall Kisame was the one who bought these here" orochimaru nodded and left.
On his way back he saw kisame and thanked him. He almost cried which made the shark guy awkward. Orochimaru quickly made his way to his lab and started working. He first studied the whole thing so that he can have more understanding in the situation.
3 months went by. 3 months of hardwork and desperation. For these last month's Itachi took on lesser amount of mission and spent a lot of time beside the blonde girl. He kept telling her stories about his mission their past and even how their brothers are doing now. Even thought deep down Itachi knows that there is no way that the unconscious girl was not able to listen to any of this he kept doing that. Orochimaru finally made some progress in making the antidote and have been using that on haruko. Even though that have not shown any major changes it was working slowly. The Akatsuki members started seeing the unconscious girl as a part of their family. Even though they never talked to her they have also started to spend their free time with Her. Deidara was the first one to make a move on talking to her. Out of all the members he was more closer to the unconscious girl.
It was a normal evening Itachi was by her side as usual talking to her. Itachi held her hands softly "... And then Sasuke joined his team in finding the truth behind Kakashi's mask. Hehehe. It was funny. You should have seen how they were desperately trying........" Then they was a long pause. Itachi looked down at the girl with soft eyes. "Ne Haru... You know Naruto don't even know that he have a sister I bet when we tell him about you he will be so excited to see you. Don't you think so to.... I don't know about Sasuke but still I want to meet them..." Itachi smiled and layed his head down near her hand "walk up Haru.... Please" minutes passed still no response as usual. Orochimaru came in and gave her, her usual medicine. They were making a huge progress. Her vitals were becoming normal. Her chakara although they were weak was no longer bad as it was 3 months ago. After that Orochimaru also spent some time with her then left. Throughout all this Itachi held her hand. Not even a minute after the snake sanin left Itachi felt a sight movement in his hands. He flinched and looked at their joined hands. He squeezed it a little harder and there it was a little movement again. Itachi eyes widened he eyes moved between their hands and her face. His lips slowly moved his mouth was dry he slowly said. "it moved... She moved" then he yelled. "SHE MOVED OROCHIMARU SHE MOVED. SHE'S WAKING UP. HEY COME BACK. SHE'S WAKING UP. SOMEBODY PLEASE.... HARUKO!! Haruko can you hear me. Haru please hey hey can you open your eyes please.." "ITACHIII!!!" Orochimaru's voice came from behind as he slamed the door open.

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